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A month passes and Sanha's been busy preparing for his debut and I've been busy with the play so our schedules don't match up often.

Luckily, it does today.

We meet up at our favorite coffee shop and I walk in and Sanha waves me over.

He already ordered me a chocolate shake and a strawberry shake for himself like it's the most natural thing in the world.

I was about to sit across from him in the booth when he pats the seat next to him instead.

"I'd rather sit across from you so I can stare at your beautiful face." I admit.

"If we're across from each other I can't do this." He whispers as he takes me hand and hides it under the table.

I feel my face go red and I look over to see his is blushing too.

"We've been dating for a month and we're still not used to it huh?" I laugh.

"I hope we're together for a long time and things like this still happen. I don't want to forget the feeling of blushing whenever you walk in the room or whenever we hold hands like this." Sanha smiles showing his cute braces.

"God how much I wanna kiss you right now..." I sigh taking a sip of my shake.

"나도. (Me too.)" Sanha squeezes my hand.

"How are preparations going for your debut by the way?" I ask.

"Good. We're set to debut in February. Our drama just aired it's last episode the other day, did you watch??" Sanha looks at me and noticed me turn away. "What??"

"I haven't watched it yet..." I say avoiding eye contact.

"Don't tell me you haven't even started it yet!" Sanha says shocked. "아, 왜~~ (Ah, why~~)"

"Stop whining! I haven't gotten around to it yet..." I admit taking a sip from my drink noticing it's empty.

"That's it." Sanha stands up letting go of my hand and grabbing my drink. "Come with me." He leaves the booth and go towards the trash can to throw out our drinks and then to the door waiting for me to catch up.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise, but text your cousin that you'll be out for a few more hours if you need to." He says as he starts walking.

"Alright.." I say suspiciously.

We walk side by side down an unfamiliar part of town in silence.

"You know...I'm jealous..." Sanha quietly says breaking the silence with his head down kicking the rocks on the sidewalk.

"Huh? Jealous? Of what?" I question him.

"Of Chan..."

"Chan? Why?" I ask confused.

"Because he can kiss you." Sanha pouts.

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Where stories live. Discover now