Chapter 1: Old Enemies, New Friends

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Fifthteen minutes. That's how long of a lunch break Draco Malfoy got when he was working the mid-day shift at St. Mungo's. Just the perfect amount of time for him to eat his lunch, use the restroom, and walk to and from the cafeteria. Things did not go as planned when Draco's dear friend Theo showed up eight minutes into his break time.

Theodore Nott waltzed straight through the hospital cafeteria door, and made his way over to his friend. A strangely creepy smile was on his face. He had to be up to something.

Draco looked up from his sandwich just in time to see him plop down in the chair in front of him. "Theo, what are you doing here?" 

He leaned back in his chair and explained, "Nothin'. Just chillin' with my best mate."

"What?" He asked a little confused, "You're starting to scare me, Theo... Oh, and do the whole world a favor, never use the word 'chill in' ever again." 

Ignoring Draco's comment he continued, "Life is like a learning to ride a broom, you fall down every once in a while,  but you always get back up. There's high's and low's. Unexpected gusts of wind. Especially gusts of wind that have messy brown hair, blue eyes, and a super old suitcase that contains magical beasts."

A light bulb went off in Draco's head, and he felt a little bad for his friend. "Oh, I see... Luna found someone else?"

"Yeah," mumbled Theo, "We were never anything serious. Just 'friends with benefits' really, but it still kinda hurts."

"Sorry, mate." Consoled Draco.

"It's all right," he muttered, "I should get going, you probably need to get back to work."

Draco glanced down at his watch, "Oh yeah, I was supposed to be done with my break three minutes ago." 

The two of them got up in a hurry and walked together out of the cafeteria. St. Mungo's was having a particularly slow day, so Draco convinced himself that he didn't need to rush back to his post. 

"You know what, I don't need a woman." Stated Theo.


"I'm a strong independent man."

"Is that what you're telling yourself these days?"

"I have tons of great qualities."

"Like your ability to burp the ABC's."

"No, like my sword fighting skills." He added, "but yeah that too."

Draco asked, "Can you tell me how sword fighting can be in any way beneficial to wizards? We have wands which project magic."

Theo was about to respond, but a nurse at the end of the hall started yelling at the healer next to him. 

"Dr. Malfoy! I have been looking all over for you. There is a patient with a broken arm waiting in the lounge room, I suggest you go fix it." With that the nurse turned around and stomped off in the other direction.

"She seems nice," muttered Theo as he quickened his pace to catch up with Draco.

The waiting room looked like a ghost town. No body was in there but one person. An Auror with black circular glasses, disheveled black hair, and a broken arm he kept held close to his body.

"Potter," called Malfoy.

Harry looked up and meet his gaze, "Just my luck," he muttered. 

"This just got interesting." Said Theo to himself.

"Follow me," Instructed Draco.

Harry took a deep breath and followed Draco and Theo. Even though Theo didn't look like he belonged there poking around at everything and playing with stethoscopes, Harry didn't question it. After a short walk Harry found himself in a  hospital room with the two of them. 

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