Chapter 5: Awkward Situations

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Song: 30,000 feet by Ben Rector. 

The old ugly puckwudgie looked up at the three of them with his grey eyes staring into theirs, "What could you possibbly want from me?"

"I know that you're the same William that saved Isolt and James three centuries ago." Blurted Harry. "The founders... you saved them when they were attacked from Isolt's Aunt who wanted revenge."

William had a bit of worry in his eyes, but it quickly went away, "That's crazy. That was three hundred years ago, how old do I look to you?"

"Um, well I would say abou-" Started Theo but Draco elbowed him in the side. Sometimes the Magizoologist inside of him just can't shut up.

"William, please we really need you to corporate." Pleaded Harry, he was starting to run out of options. "Do you have somewhere we can talk?"

"What makes you think that I want to talk to you?" Asked William as he went back to work polishing the statue.

Theo fished around in his backpack for a second and pulled out a jar of peanut butter and one of his I heart New York magnets, "Cause, we have peanut butter and magnets."

He scratched his chin for a second before responding, "Perhaps I will talk to you." He stood up and started to walk off, "Follow me."

William brought them to the outside wall of one of the gorgeous stone towers attached to the castle. He pressed his hand against the stone and it turned into a door, which he lead them through. Not to far of a ways off he brought them through another door which led into a cozy little room with a nicely made twin sized bed, desk, sitting area, and kitchenette.

"Is this your bedroom?" Asked Theo pretty, surprised.

"Yes," replied William as he put a kettle on the stove, "I'm the head of the maintenance and security. Plus I have to see over my hooligan relatives, so they give me a pretty nice room."

"This is pretty nice for an elf." Said Draco.

"I'm not an elf!" Snapped William, "You blonde git."

Draco stayed quiet, he thought it would be best if he didn't add more fuel to the fire.

"So tell me Will... can I call you Will?" Asked Harry.

"No," responded William flatly.

"Okay, then." Harry sat down in one of the chairs in the sitting area, the others followed. "Have you ever met Albus Dumbledore? He was the Headmaster of Hogwarts for quite sometime. Did he ever visit the US or come here to Ilvermorny?"

"Hand over the peanut butter then I'll start talking." Stated William. Theo got the peanut butter out of his backpack and tossed it to him. William caught it without a problem. "I want the magnets too," he added. Theo dug deeper into his backpack and tossed him one of his I heart New York magnets.

"Where were we?" Harry thought out loud, "Oh yeah, have you ever met Albus Dumbledore?"

"Once probably five to six years ago," Answered William. The kettle on the stove began to whistle and William jumped up to get it. He brought the whole kettle over to his seat along with only one cup. "I have to drink tea with peanut butter. It's the only way I'll take it." After he poured himself a drink he put his hand down into the peanut butter jar and started to eat it off his hand.

The three Brits sat mortified by the Puckwudgie's improper etiquette. Draco wanted to gag just looking at it. 

William continued, "Said he had to hide something here. He had to hide it where nobody would think or dare to look. I have my suspicions as to where it is, but who knows I'm just an old puckwudgie who gets drunk off peanut butter and tea."

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