Chapter 6: Home

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Song: Secrets by One Republic

The sun peeped through the motel's curtains and woke Harry up. He blinked once, twice, someone has their arm around me, he thought. Harry's neck nearly snapped when he twisted to see Theo spooning him.

Without a moments hesitation his eyes grew wide and he screamed. The two of them jumped out of that bed quicker than lightning.

Both of them suddenly got the urge to exploit their masculinity after that little scene.

"Did you see the Chudley Canons game the other day?" Asked Theo.

"Yeah," said Harry, keeping his gaze towards the floor, "It seems that they're gonna have a good season this year."

"I could really use a fire whiskey right now." Stated Theo, with his hands on his hips.

"It's eight O'clock in the morning." Remarked Draco. He sat over in the corner at the desk, already dressed in his dark jeans and T-shirt.

Theo did a double take, "How long have you been up?"

Draco thought for a moment, "About an hour."

On the desk in front of him sat a piece of paper and a pen. Out of genuine curiosity Theo asked, "What are you doing over there?"

He tried to discreetly hide the paper, but Theo got a hold of it.  He started to read it aloud, "Dear, Hermione," he paused for a moment, "Oooo, is this a love letter?"

Draco stood up from his chair and tried to get his letter back, "Nott, stop it."

"Well since you said 'not to stop' I'll keep going." Theo continued to read the letter, "I know it has only been a little over twenty four hours since I last saw you, but-  wow Draco only twenty four hours. I miss you terribly."

Theo jumped out of the way as Darco tried to get it once more.

"Give it back," said Draco sternly.

Being childish Theo ran around the room and read the rest of it as Draco chased him. "The next time I see you I'll..." He raised his eyebrows, "Dang, Draco, you write this kind of stuff down?"

Draco managed to snatch it from Theo's hands. His face was red either from running around or from the embarrassment it was hard to tell.

Awkwardly standing by himself, Harry put his hands in his pockets and pretended not to hear any of it. "I think it's time for us to be making our way back to the airport."

* * * * *

Up in the sky looking down on the world below, it's so easy to forget all of the worldly problems going on around. That statement definitely came into play with Draco, Theo, and Harry. You had Draco who was complaining about how terrible the complimentary peanuts were, Harry who was dealing with the kid who was kicking his seat, and Theo who was constantly getting up to use the restroom. (He had a window seat.)

"Those bathrooms are so small, it's fascinating really." Said Theo, as he sat backdown in his seat for like the fifth time during the flight.

"You should know," muttered Draco.

The kid behind Harry was still kicking the back of his chair. He had finally had enough. Harry turned around in his chair and looked the kid in the eyes, "Will you stop it?! You're knocking my spine out of line. I have had a very eventful past twenty-four hours and-"

The kid interrupted him, "What's that on your forehead?"

Harry touched the lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead self consciously.

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