Chapter 13: Mimosas

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Song: Your Song by Elton John

Several days had passed since the golden trio had reconciled. Hermione couldn't be happier, she had her best friends back and she was engaged to the love of her life. She was in such a good mood that it didn't even bother her that Theo crashed in Blaise and Pansy's old room for a couple of days. His mother finally kicked him out of the house and he was in a pinch to find a new place.

One particular morning Hermione found herself telling Theo, "The milk goes in the fridge and the bread goes back up in the cupboard." He had been staying with for three days so far and he managed to leave behind a mess in every room he entered. It was driving both Draco and Hermione crazy. 

"My bad," Responded Theo, he blamed himself for being such a bad houseguest. "I'm supposed to sign a lease later today on a flat just a couple of blocks from here."

"Really!?" Asked Draco a little too enthusiastically as he walked into the room. 

Theo looked unamused, "That is unless you'd rather me stay here."

In unison both Hermione and Draco said, "No."

"I mean," Hermione paused, beginning to correct herself, "We-" She paused again, trying to pick her words carefully. Theo was her friend and she didn't want to make him feel unwelcome or hurt his feelings.

Draco chimed in, "I think what she's tryin to say is that we love having you here, its just that we love having our apartment to ourselves more." 

Theo rolled his eyes, "I see... You two just want to be able to procreate like bunnie-"

Draco interrupted him, "Oh, sod off, Not." 

Looking down at her watch Hermione was taken back. It was already a quarter after eleven. "Oh, I gotta go." 

"Where are you off to?" Asked Draco passively.

Hermione threw on a jacket and answered, "Wedding dress shopping."

Looking down at the ground Theo asked, "With Ginny, Pansy, and Luna?"Putting a sad emphasis on Luna's name.

"Yes," Answered Hermione, she took a breath wondering if she should say what she was thinking. Her mouth got the best of her and she did, "You know if you have feelings for Luna you should let her know. She always thought that you didn't want a commitment and if you do that might change things."

Theo ran a hand through his messy brown hair and a glimmer of hope could be seen in his eyes. Just the thought of having Luna in his life again made him want to smile. 

All too quickly, Hermione gave Draco a quick kiss and apparated out of the apartment. Leaving Theo and his feelings alone with her fiancé. 

* * * * *

Hermione stood outside the muggle bridal store and glanced at the dress in the window display. It was a huge ball gown dress with a deep neckline. The excessive bedding looked like it really weighed it down. She thought to herself, that looks like the opposite of what I want. She had never been one of those girls who longed for an over the top wedding dress and wedding. Not that she judged others for wanting those things, she just simply liked a more simplistic look. 

Just a couple moments later she was joined by Ginny, Pansy, and Luna. Her three closest female friends and bridesmaids. 

"What are we standing out here for?" Asked a very pregnant Pansy, eyeing her surroundings. 

Hermione muttered something to herself and opened the front door to the shop. The inside was beautiful, upon walking in the high ceilings and chandelier dominated the room. There was a set of stairs that led to a second story on the right hand side and on the left there was a desk stained a deep mahogany color. 

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