Chapter 4: USA

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Song: Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus. I chose this song because I simply couldn't help myself, given the opportunity. 

"Potter, I can't believe you managed to get us all the way up in the sky before telling us exactly where we're going." Huffed Draco, irritated.

"It didn't cross my mind at the time." Said Harry, finishing up the peanuts the flight attendant had given him.

"You know, Potter, it's because of situations like this that we always have disagreements." Draco informed.

At right about that time the captain came over the intercom, "We are about to descend into JFK Airport. Please remain seated for the remainder of the flight and buckle your seat belts."

"What in the hell is a JFK?" Asked Draco fairly loudly with his strong British accent, still very pissed off at Harry.

Everyone within earshot turned around and glared at Draco. The woman sitting across the aisle from him leaned over and informed him, "JFK was our 35th president," Her Jersey accent distasteful.

"Oh," he mumbled slightly embarrassed.

After a minute, they could feel the plane shift downward a little bit. Theo stared out the window at the giant city below. New York sure was an impressive city. Theo couldn't let his fear of heights get to him in that moment, he was enjoying the view too much.

As soon as the plane made contact with the runway, with solid ground, Theo let out a long pint up breath.

Not too long after, they got off the plane. They had to go through customs, but thank Merlin it was not anything like the security at terminal six back in London. Since they only brought carry on luggage, they didn't have to wait in baggage claim.

Outside the airport Harry managed to flag down a taxi. All three of them climbed in the backseat, sitting three across.

"Where to?" Asked the shady cab driver sitting in the drivers seat, which just so happened to be on the left side of the vehicle. This confused Draco greatly. What was the point of that?

"City hall, Manhattan," Answered Harry.

Before any of them had the chance to put a seatbelt on the cab driver floored it and they all nearly smashed their faces against the glass in between them and the driver. Well, all of them except Theo.

"City hall?" muttered Draco, quietly enough that the driver couldn't hear.

"It's less than a block away from M.A.C.U.S.A ." whispered Harry.


It took longer than expected to get to Manhattan, the traffic was terrible. None of them really seem to mind, since they got to stare in awe at America's most populated city. Dozens upon dozens of muggles swarmed the city streets racing to their jobs and tourist attractions.

When they got to City Hall Harry paid the taxi driver and he sped off down the road. It is only half a block away from the Woolworth building, so it wasn't a long walk at all.

Inside they found the headquarters of MACUSA, a grand lobby with tons of people bustling about. The whole place really was quite impressive.

Harry turned to Draco and Theo, "You two can wait outside. All I have to do is pick up our wand permits."

"Alright," said Theo before turning around and making his way towards the double glass doors.

Draco followed behind him. The streets were busy with pedestrians, taxis, and litter. Both of them sat down at a bench over looking the street.

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