Chapter 9: A Little Kick

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Song: She's Always a Woman To Me by Billy Joel

It was a Tuesday, things were finally starting to become 'normal,' or at least the closest to normal they can achieve. With this whole Merlin thing going on things were still kind of hectic around the Malfoy - Granger household.

On the couch, Hermione sat reading a book and biting her nails, a terrible habit she had fallen into recently. The book was just a mere distraction from the bold move she had made that day. Inside her head, her thoughts were miles away from the words on the paper in front of her.

Only a couple minutes later the front door swung open, Draco had come home a little early.

"Hey," he greeted with a smile, "How was your day?"

She hesitated for a moment before saying, "I-quit-my-job," really fast.

Slowly Draco looked up and asked, a bit confused, "You did what?"

"I quit my job."

Draco made his way over to the couch and sat next to Hermione. He put one of his arms around her for comfort. The way she held herself gave away that she had a rough day. Her eyes were a little puffy and nails were bitten down to the beds. "Hermione, what's wrong?"

"I" she began, her voice a little shaky, "- I just want to do something with my life that is worthwhile. Being an Auror was great and all, but that's not what I want to do with the rest of my life. I want to make a difference and change people's lives, and I don't feel like I was able to do that with being an Auror. I thought that the promotion I got would make me feel like I was actually was doing something, but in reality I just felt more trapped."

She slid down into his chest and wrapped an arm around his middle, as though she was holding onto him. Not knowing what exactly what you want out of life can be scary and it sure was scaring Hermione. she always walked into situations prepared, knowing exactly what she was going to do next. Now she doesn't know where to turn.

"it's going to be okay," Draco said soothingly, "We'll figure this out."

We'll, Hermione thought. Not you'll, but we'll; the two will get through this together. Hermione looked up at Draco, "I love you."

"I love you too," and with that, he leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips.

* * * * *

"Dude, that's so cool!" Exclaimed Blaise, excitement plastered all over his face. "Merlin? Wow. This is all super cool, but confusing as hell. Who have you told about all this? If I were you I'd make sure the whole world knew." he paused for a moment, "Damn."

"Now, Blaise, you can't go around telling people about this or even discuss it in public. This just stays between you, me, Hermione, the Potters, Pansy, and Theo. Okay?" Draco said this slowly so it could process with Blaise.

Still, a bit taken back Blaise managed an, "okay."

"Now," began Draco, taking the topic off of himself, "How's Pansy coming along with her pregnancy?"

"Eh, she's doing pretty good. She has her good and bad days." Commented Blaise, on his very pregnant wife. "There's her random food cravings, having to pee every five minutes, and the mood swings. The mood swings are the worst, oh Merlin, it's like one moment she's happy and then the next she's sitting on the couch crying eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. Pregnant women are very hard to understand, Draco." He paused to look up at his ceiling, "If you and Hermione ever have a kid make sure you never and I mean never try to get on her bad side while the cookies are still in the oven, a hormonal pregnant woman is the last thing you will ever want to deal with."

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