Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Annika, Adela, and I are all in Annika’s room. I’m on her bed just spacing out again. I wonder what Sheyanna is doing. My phone starts vibrating.

“Oooh lala. Its Jack.”

“So what, Annika?”

“There’s a heart next to his name.”

“Omigoodness. He probably took my phone and put his number in along with that heart.”

I check my phone. My screen reads: “Hey.” I text him back. “Hey.”

I wonder why Matt said that I should stay away from Jack. He seems nice to me.

“I’m going to get an outfit ready for school tomorrow, I’ll stop by before dinner so we can go together.” Annika says.

“I’m going to get some sleep. I’ll stop by as well, though.”

“Haha, wow Adela. Just don’t end up sleeping in class too. I’ll catch you guys later then.”

Well now that they’re gone. I don’t know. My phone is vibrating again.

“So, can I rant 2 U for a bit?” I’ve never heard of guys who rant to girls. This will be interesting. I send him a text back saying “Yeah sure.”

My phone vibrates again. Dang, this kid is a fast texter, and it’s a long message.

“So after you left, this Sheyanna chick comes up to me and puts her hand on mine, and I pull it away and she has this look on her face like she wants to eat me or something. She told me that she’ll see me later, and she winked. Do you know her?”

Ohmygoodness that girl. What do I say to Jack…

“Let’s talk during dinner, okay? I don’t feel like typing it all out. Lol.”

After I hit sent I swear my phone immediately vibrated again. The text read “Yeah, okay.” 

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