XVI: Come Closer

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~Author's Note:

I was super lazy when it came to rewriting my other stories, so decided to write for this. I'm so weird. :O Anyways, thanks for reading. :)


\(^o^ )/ \(^o^ )/ \(^o^ )/ \(^o^ )/ \(^o^ )/ \(^o^ )/ \(o_o)/# <-- there's always that one person who's different (not in a bad way).

~ Lauren Anderson's POV:

"Miss Lauren, time to get up for school," I hear one of the maids say as she tapped my shoulder for me to awaken.

"Hm..." I hummed out. I was clearly awake, but my eyes were just closed. I didn't really get much sleep last night because the pain in my heart didn't want to subside. It hurt more than my plump cheek. Emotions always beat physical when it comes to pain.

I got up, rubbing my sore eyes. I hope no one notices it. I really hate it when people become so nosy, and starts to ask questions. I grabbed my phone to check the time, and I saw that I had a message from Beverly.

Bev: sexy face, I wont be at school for a week. Our family is going to visit grandpa at NY since he's super sick. Be a good girl. Love ya! xoxox

I breathed deeply. Great, now I had no one to tell my problems with. I replied with an ok, and I hoped for him to get better, and have a safe trip.

I set my phone down, and stretched, then got out of bed to get a relaxing shower. Maybe it can wash away the pain in my heart too.

As I finished showering, and getting dressed, I headed downstairs to eat breakfast with my bag slung over my shoulder. I had done a good job at covering the light bruising on my face. I was met with my dad on the table, drinking his coffee as he read the newspaper. It's very stereo-typical since most dads read the newspaper in the morning while moms would cook breakfast or something, but clearly, my mom was shredded out of my life.

"Morning," I greeted quietly as I passed by, without giving him a kiss. I was still mad at him. It looked like he was mad at me too since he completely ignored me too. I made myself a nutella sandwich, and was about to leave when dad called after me. "Bunny, wait," he said. He set the newspaper down and nudge his glasses to its rightful position.

I stopped and looked at him, waiting for him to talk. "I'm sorry for hitting you," he says sincerely. I was waiting for him to apologize some more, but he didn't continue. Thats it? I was also expecting for a, 'i'm sorry for putting a wall between you and your mother.'

"Ok," I stated, bitterly, "I'm going to school now." I thumbed at the front door. I didn't feel like arguing since it'll ruin my day.

I turned back to exit the door when I heard him speak once again. "Respect me, Lauren," I heard him call out.

"Respect me first," I muttered because it hadn't meant for him to hear. I'll let his words linger this time. Without looking back, I exit the house. Fresh air had attacked my lungs, letting me breathe better since my dad was suffocating the air around us in the house. I had the feeling of being emancipated from my owner. I scoffed. He tied me down like a slave without me knowing, and restricted me under his circumstance.

I got in my car, and started it up. Another stress opponent... School. People should tone down school days. They're stupid enough to think that whatever we'll learn, is approximately needed in this dull life of ours.

Let's take math for example; they think that giving children sentences like 'Sally went to the store. She bought 47 red apples, and 56 green apples, how many does she have now?' is a solvable question. That is such a stupid question. What type of person buys that many apples. They also expect us to learn graphs, problems with stupid letters, pi, tangent, and all those ugly looking things that go with hideous numbers. Seriously, solve your own problems.

Ms. Homophobic (gxg) ~[Editing]~Where stories live. Discover now