Chapter I • Pain

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Maia never did come back and Violet was left worried and heartbroken

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Maia never did come back and Violet was left worried and heartbroken. A babysitter had been payed to look after her but after a week of no contact from Violet's mother's, the sitter called the number she had been given by Maia and she told Violet that someone from her mother's work was going to pick her up and take her somewhere.

The following day, Vi found herself sitting in the back of a black car with a woman called Anne Weaver who said that she worked with Vi's mother.

The following day, Vi found herself sitting in the back of a black car with a woman called Anne Weaver who said that she worked with Vi's mother

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"Where are you taking me?" Violet asked, looking out of the window. All she could see was the green English countryside which she often saw when her mother took her on trips to places outside of Surrey, where they lived.

"We're taking you to where your mum sometimes works." the lady called Anne said.

"Is that where she is?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Then where is she?" Vi pressed, a frown formed on her youthful face.

The woman simply pretended as though she hadn't heard the eleven year old and turned to look out of her own window. Violet huffed in annoyance at the woman's silence and crossed her small arms.

The rest of the car journey was silent save for a few whispered words Anne would share with the driver which Vi tried (and failed) to listen in on.

After a long few hours, the car finally stopped out side a large white building that was surrounded by trees and Violet could see numerous people walking around what looked like a courtyard. This white building was one of many, some of which were connected and some of which were not. Violet knew from various television shows she had watched that this was some kind of school.

"Follow me Miss Widham." Weaver said once Vi had gotten her stuff out of the boot of the car. The eleven year old followed the smartly dressed Weaver down the manicured lawn and over to what looked to be the main building of the campus.

"What is this place?"

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D Academy of Science and Technology." Weaver told the young girl, "Your mother worked here when she wasn't on missions with her team."

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