Chapter I • The Avengers Initiative

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My lungs filled with the cool crisp air of the spring evening, filling my nose with the diluted, musty smells wafting up from the city below. It had taken a while for me to get accustomed to the noises and smells of New York after living in Malibu for so long but I was now used to the sounds of honking taxis and the faint smell of trash in the air. There were times, however, when I missed the salty air and crashing waves of the Californian coast.

My arms glided smoothly through the air as my body shifted through the tai chi stances Natasha had taught me. She had said that it would help 'focus my mind' and even though I was not 100% sure what she meant by that, I had to admit that it was very calming.

Nat and I had been training together since the Whiplash incident the year before and I'd learned a lot from her in a short amount of time. However, I still wasn't allowed to go on S.H.I.E.L.D missions with her so when she was away, I was forced to practice on my own which is why I was outside on the balcony of the newly built Stark Tower by my self.

"Miss Stark?" Jarvis's voice spoke through the intercom, "Miss Potts is asking if you would like some breakfast."

"Tell her I'll be down in a moment, please J," I told the intelligent system as I opened my eyes and let the light from the rising sun flood into them. Squinting slightly, I gathered up my yoga mat and made my way back into my bedroom.

When I had woken up that morning, I had expected the day ahead to be as normal as my strange life allowed days to be but, as usual, the universe decided to throw a curveball at that idea.

- 𝓣.𝓢 -

The evening had settled in and, as was my routine, I was sat on the sofa with my school books spread out in front of me as I tried to complete the work that Kasia had been sending me. Pepper's conditions for me to come to New York with her and dad included having to do all school work I was missing which I had agreed to begrudgingly.

"You're good on this end." I heard my father's voice say over the comms system, "The rest is up to you."

"You disconnected the transition lines? Are we off the grid?" Pepper asked.

"Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy."

"Well, assuming the Arc Reactor takes over and it actually works."

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