Chapter VII • No More Second Chances

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- Violet -

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- Violet -

Natasha left me alone in my empty hospital room to contemplate the difficult decision ahead of me. I didn't want to leave my dad - I had only just found him after years of longing for a father - but I had to admit to myself that I didn't feel safe at the mansion anymore. Groaning, I rubbed my tired eyes with frustration. Why did he have to be so stupid? If he hadn't been so stupid I wouldn't have to make this impossible choice.

I sat with my head in my hands for a brief moment before laying back down on my pillows. Maybe a nap would help clear my mind. My eyes fluttered shut; I didn't remember falling asleep.

Being awoken by the sound of the door shutting, however, was something I did remember.

"I just woke you up didn't I?" Said the voice of Tony Stark. I groaned as a way of affirmation.

"You sound like you've had a great nap." He said sarcastically. I could sense him as he walked closer and occupied the vacant plastic seat by my bed.

"Shut up." I murmured into my pillow.

"It speaks!"

"What do you want?"

"I know that Agent Romanoff has been to see you. Fury told me."


"Look I know that I've been a pretty shitty dad," I murmured in agreement, "and if I'm being honest, mostly with myself, I know that you would probably be happier and safer with Natalie or Agent Romanoff or whatever she's called." Tony's revelation surprised me. I turned and lifted my head so that I was finally looking him in the brown eyes we share. "But I also know that I've changed."

"In, like, twelve hours?" I said sceptically.

"I've had a sort of revelation. You know my father wasn't... we never really... and I don't want to be like him, I better. I wanna prove to you that I can be better."

"You already used up your second chance, Dad." I told him, not taking my eyes off of his.

"Third times the charm."

"And then it'll be the fourth, then fifth."

"This time will be different."

"Will it be though?" I gazed at him with sad eyes, "I don't trust you to keep your promises anymore, Dad, you've broken too many. No more second chances, I can't do it anymore."

Tony stayed silent. We just stared at one another until I turned away, rolling over in my bed so that I was facing the opposite wall.

"Just go home, Dad." I told him, clamping my eyes shut, "Come and talk to me when you've put your life back together." I sensed him pause for a split second before he placed a soft kiss on side of my head and walked out of the hospital room.

Tears pricked up in the corners of my eyes and it didn't take long for them to stream down my face like rivers of sorrow and torment.

- 𝓣.𝓢 -

"So what do I call you now?" I asked Natasha as we walked towards the hospital car park.

The redhead had come to take me to meet Pepper at the airport after the doctors had discharged me saying that I didn't have any lasting physical damage.

"Natalie's fine." She said.

I thought for a second before saying: "What about Nat? That's short for Natasha and Natalie."

"Whatever you like." Nat glanced down at me, and I thought I could see a small smile on her face.

When we reached the car, I saw that Happy was sitting in the driver's seat, a concerned expression on his kind face.

"I'm fine, Happy, you don't have to look so worried." I said cheerfully as I got in the back seat and Nat occupied the place beside me.

"How can I not worry, kid? You got yourself blown up." He said, starting up the engine.

I scowled at his comment, "I didn't get blown up."

"Whatever, I'm just glad I didn't lose my Downton Abbey buddy." A smile lit up my face at this.

"I can't wait to watch the next episode!"

- 𝓣.𝓢 -

Happy pulled the car to a stop just outside the private jet owned by Stark Industries and I could make out the red hair of Pepper Potts. The CEO was stood at the bottom of the steps that lead into the plane.

"Finally! I thought we were going to be late!" Pepper cried as the three of us approached her. She then pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm so glad you're okay, Vi. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Pep, don't worry." I reassured her.

"And you'd tell me if your not?" the redhead said when she pulled away from me.

"Of course I would, don't worry."

She studied my face for a second, as if trying to tell if I was lying to her, before saying: "Okay, let's get on this jet before it leaves without us."

"It's our plane, Pepper, it won't leave without us." I laughed, following her up the steep steps with Happy and Nat following close behind.

"You sound like Tony." snorted Happy.

My smile dropped off my face. I didn't want to think about my father. Thinking about him would mean thinking about my big decision and that was something I didn't want to think about just yet. What can I say? I'm a procrastinator. Always have been, always will be.

A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter was more of a filler that the others but we did get to see Vi and Tony's first interaction since the party! What did you think of it? Do you think Vi was reasonable? Also, what did you guys think about the Vi/Nat interaction?

I think there'll probably be around three chapters left after this one and then book two will be finished and I'll start writing book three (Avengers! Yay!) which I've already got planned out and that will conclude Volume One! Then Volume Two is when we get down to business...! (I'll probably be skipping over IM3 just because it's not relevant to the story arch I have in mind for Vi and I don't want to write a whole book if it's not necessary. Sorry!)

Love you 3000❤️

Word Count: 894Published: 22 July 2019

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Word Count: 894
Published: 22 July 2019

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