Chapter X • The Party

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Vi sat on the plush leather sofa as the Disney movie 'The Lion King' played on the 70" flat screen TV

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Vi sat on the plush leather sofa as the Disney movie 'The Lion King' played on the 70" flat screen TV. It was one of her favourite Disney movies of all time and so she was more than a little annoyed when the screen suddenly went black.

"Hey!" Vi cried when she saw it was Tony who had switch the film off. "I was watching that."

"Shouldn't you be in bed, or something?" Tony asked, ignoring his daughter's comment.

"I'm not tired." She said, popping a grape in her mouth.

"Good, go get changed, we're going out."

"What? Where?" Vi tried to ask but Tony was already taking the steps two at a time. The eleven year old sighed before following him sluggishly, taking the grapes with her.

"What exactly am I changing into?"

- 𝓣.𝓢 -

"I think I'm going to be sick!" The silver sports car wizzed down the highway and bright lights flashed passed the window in blurs. Vi's muscles were tense with the strain for clinging to the expensive-looking leather seat as her father drove recklessly along the road, the high powered engine roaring loudly.

"Don't be such a wimp, Dimples." the millionaire said, glancing at the girl sat beside him.

When they arrived at the Concert Hall, Tony pulled up outside where numerous well-dressed A-Listers mingled around on the red carpet, chatting to the TV crews which were scattered around. The two Starks exited the car and Tony passed the car-keys over to the Parking Valet before walking around the vehicle to join Vi. Together they walked along the red carpet and, once people began to notice them, Vi could here a great many shrill voices squealing Tony's name.

"Hey Tony. Remember me?" said a dyed blonde girl as they walked by. Vi didn't like the look of her and narrowed her dark eyes at her. Tony, however, didn't even look at the woman and simply carried on walking as he said:

"Sure don't." Vi giggled at this and sent the blonde a cheeky grin over her shoulder. "You look great, Hef." said Tony, patting the back of an old man surrounded by young women; Vi giggled again when she saw him turn around, confused as to who had touched him.

Struggling to keep up with Tony as he weaved him way through the crowd of guests and paparazzi, the young girl lagged behind and eventually lost sight of her supposed 'father' - some father he was. Violet craned her neck, trying to see if she could spot a familiar face but to no avail.

"Hey! Aren't you Stark's kid?" yelled a pap from behind her. Vi spun around only to have a camera flash in her face, blinding her temporarily. She stumbled back and began pushing through the mingling adults. Her small body made it easy for her to squeeze past people as well as avoid any more loud men with cameras; she was soon standing safely inside the hall, leaning her back against the wall, relieved that she was out of sight of the press.

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