Chapter II • New Home

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It had been several hours since Violet had left the academy with Miss Potts and she now found herself sitting in a leather seat on an expensive looking jet; beside her sat Pepper

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It had been several hours since Violet had left the academy with Miss Potts and she now found herself sitting in a leather seat on an expensive looking jet; beside her sat Pepper.

"Miss Potts?" Vi said out of the blue. The two girls hadn't said much to each other since the plane left the airport in England so Pepper was somewhat surprised that Vi had final said something.

"Call me Pepper, dear."

"Pepper, who's my father?" this question surprised Pepper more than before. Had nobody told the girl? How could she not know?

"Your father's Tony Stark." she told the eleven year old.

"Tony Stark? That guy on the telly with the funny beard?" Pepper burst out with laughter at this. She was definitely going to tell Tony that one later - or rather, when he got back from Afghanistan.

"Yes, the guy with the funny beard." said the strawberry blond haired woman once her laughter had died down.

At that moment, the alert popped up telling them to fasten their seat-belts for landing.

"When we get home you can choose yourself a bedroom and tomorrow we can go buy some things to decorate it with. Does that sound fun?" Violet nodded her head as an answer.

Once the plane had landed at a small private airport, Pepper and Vi disembarked and found a security team waiting for them.

"Miss Potts." one of the men said with a nod of his head.

"Happy." she said back with a smile.

"If his name is Happy," Vi whispered to Pepper, "why does he look so serious?" Pepper chuckled.

- 𝓣.𝓢 -

"Welcome to your new home."

Pepper and Violet were sanding in the hall way of Tony Stark's Malibu home from which she could see the living area and behind it stood a window that looked more like a wall of glass than a window. No matter how amazing the house was, it was the view that made Violet run up to the window and gasp. As far as the eye could see was ocean - beautiful blue waves that crashed against the rocks beneath the house making the water foam up.

Vi loved the sea. Her mother had taken her to Brighton a couple of times during the summer and the little girl had loved splashing around in the salty water. She wondered whether she would be able to swim in the ocean here.

"Wow!" exclaimed Violet. "This place is awesome!"

"Welcome back Miss Potts." said an automated voice which seemed to come from all around them.

"Thank you J.A.R.V.I.S." said Pepper to the voice as she set her bag down on the couch.

"What was that?" asked Vi, looking around as she tried to find the source of the voice.

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