"So Friends?"

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 The next day, you hurriedly walk to your Music class, you were late. Thanks to your sister who changed your alarm clock two hours later from your usual wake up time. Now you failed to attend your first class.
"I'm sorry I'm late." You spoke soon as you got inside the room. You were glad that your Music teacher was not strict and very nice, so she let you in and settled on your seat.
"Why are you late?" Ms. Kim suddenly asked, you stood up and answered her question politely.
You took a deep breath before you told the reason, "There was a problem going on in the family, that's why." You said and that problem you're talking about was your sister.
"Okay." She smiled, "Next time don't be late okay?" You nodded as you went back to your seat, but before you could ask your seatmate what you've missed, Ms. Kim called you.
"Yes teacher?" You asked, holding onto your fingers as you go near her table, afraid that you might have low grades.
"Since you are late, you're going to be paired with one of your male classmates.." She smiled. You made an 'o' shape with your lips, getting excited all of the sudden thinking you'll be able to pair up with one of the cuties in class. Oh, how you love that feeling. "Is that okay with you Haesoo-ssi?"
"Yes, definitely." You flashed her a big toothy smile,
"Okay, so may I call on Jungkook?" She suddenly asked aloud looking for Jungkook and everyone immediately pointed to one person who was holding a guitar.
"Oh, there you are!" Ms. Kim chimed, "C'mere." She said calling Jungkook.
You watched as that guy named Jeon Jungkook walked towards you, and you don't even have a single thing to say. You're just annoyed and disappointed from Ms. Kim's pairings. In short, you don't want to be paired with him. Not at all, after what he said to you yesterday, you certainly don't want to talk to him.
"Park Haesoo.. Haesoo-ssi.."
You were cut from your own thoughts when Ms. Kim shook you. "You're okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You stated and went to the corner where she assigned you to sit with him. You were asked to prepare something to perform in front of the class after the time given. You watched as your classmates enjoying the activity with their partners unlike you-- stuck in this 'I don't talk to strangers' dude. Jungkook was into his own world strumming the guitar strings in his like and you sat beside him getting mosquitoes flying above your head.
"Okay, 15 minutes left guys!" Ms. Kim suddenly chimed, telling everyone that there are only 15 minutes left for them to prepare. You turned to Jungkook and you were surprised to see him looking at you as well.
"You know how to sing?" He suddenly asked.
OMG. You thought for yourself. Did he talk to you? What happened to the 'I don't talk to strangers'?
"Ya, Park Haesoo." He said, snapping his fingers in front of you and all of the sudden a smirk formed on your lips. "So? You know how to sing?" He asked again.
"I.." You started and you can tell he was waiting for you to continue, ".. don't talk to strangers." You said with an undeniably evil smirk. He raised a brow as he looked at you before he lets out a scoff. You were just happy and continued flashing him a grin, showing that you finally had your revenge on him.
"Ya, Park Haesoo."
"Oh?" You fake gasped, "You know me? Amazing." You said sarcastically.
"Ya, this is an activity, mind to cooperate with me?" He asked.
You scoffed, "Am I not cooperating then?" You blinked as if you're innocent then he held out a short chuckle before he shot you a look.
"Ya, if you feel bad from what I said yesterday, I'm sorry."
You made a face, "So you know how to say sorry... whatever." You shrugged because you find him very annoying all of the sudden. "I know how to sing, what to do?" You asked him with a raised brow, finally giving up on being a sarcastic bitch to him besides, this was really an activity yet you don't want to get intimidated by him. He turned to you with a small smile and you can't believe to yourself that you find this 'I don't talk to strangers' dude cute.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You snapped when you noticed that he stares at you for so long already, which you were also doing the same thing. You felt awkward.
"Why? You're awkward?" He smirked.
"Why would I be? Feeler." You rolled your eyes in annoyance, then he gave you a piece of paper which was a song piece that you're going to sing.
"It would be nice if you knew the song already." He spoke not taking his eyes away from the guitar he's holding.
"Lucky." You read the title out loud.
"Yeah, you don't know it?"
"Of course, I know it. Tss. Don't talk to me will you?" You hissed, oh how you want to hit him with the paper you're holding.
"Yeah, whatever." He scoffed.
Time ran out and it was time for the two of you to perform in front. You were quite nervous but you are trying not to show that you are, especially with your great partner or else he'll make a joke out of you.
"Okay for our last performers, let's clap our hands for Haesoo and Jungkook!" Ms. Kim chimed and everyone gave you a round of applause. The whole class was looking at both of you. You felt even more nervous that you suddenly turned to Jungkook - and you, all of the sudden felt relaxed especially when he started playing the guitar.
You were not a good singer but you have the feels for singing. You started to sing the lyrics from the paper and you actually felt your singing was very good until Jungkook sang a little line which caused your performance seemed to be perfect.
"Wow, such a good combination, right?" Ms. Kim was clapping her hands consistently as the song ends. "Very good Haesoo and Jungkook!" She said giving both of you hi-fives before she gathers everyone's attention. You were about to go to where your best friends are when you felt someone tapped her shoulder. You turned to see Jungkook smiling at you.
"What?" You raised a brow.
"Good job." He said and shook your hand. You were kind of surprised from his sudden gesture- suddenly your impression of him was different.
"You too." You said, trying to erase that awkward feeling as you held his hand.
- Lunch time -
"Waaah you were amazing earlier Haesoo!" Ahreum exclaimed the moment you got in the school's green park to have lunch under a big shady tree.
"I know, I'm awesome." You smirked, flipping your hair.
"Aigoo, I suddenly wanted to take it back." She pouted.
"Don't. Okay?" You chuckled, holding her shoulder. You decided to tell Ahreum and Chanmi about your encounter with Jungkook from yesterday until earlier when you noticed how Chanmi eats quietly beside you. "Hey, Chanmi. You're weird today. Something happened?" You asked her then she suddenly grinned at you widely, making you think of her lost her sanity. You thought it was her being normal but then you noticed that there was something she was trying to say through eye contact. "Ya, Han Chanmi! Will you stop that?" You pushed her, making tilt back a little.
"I noticed something again." She giggled evilly. You made a face as you shot her a look. "It has been the second time I've seen it." She added, making you and Ahreum fell curious even more.
"I really hate you for keeping something like that to us." You said.
"Yeah Chanmi, you're not telling us something." Ahreum second the motioned.
Chanmi then lets out a chuckle, wiggling her finger at you, "Right time. Right time." Of course, you knew her for being a spoiler in things and you know that she'll tell you at the right time, but you just can't help but get curious from it because she was looking at you like you're involved in that 'thing' she noticed.
You decided to part ways from Ahreum and Chanmi for awhile and went to the main building where your science room was. Since you have an hour before the shitty subject starts, you decided to pull out your mini sketchpad and started sketching things. This is the one thing you do when your mind is in chaos, you sketch random things like people from afar or even the person annoys you a lot. You can draw just anything and you really find this talent very stress relieving. You were somehow troubled in one thing lately and it was home. You don't like what was going in there. You don't like your parents fighting every night with a reason that you don't know. You were the eldest but neither your mom nor dad had discussed it with you. So you felt really bad, because you're not the only one getting affected by it, also your two siblings.
"Wow." You suddenly stopped when you heard someone spoke from behind and you're not surprised seeing Jungkook. You didn't speak, instead, you just gave him a cold shoulder and continued drawing then after a few moments, he moved beside you watching you sketch.
"Go away before I stab this pencil on you." You spoke, not taking your eyes away from the sketchpad.
"How can you be so brutal and talented at the same time? Hmm? Park Haesoo?" He asked he was totally different from yesterday. You stopped again, this time you set your sketchpad and pencil aside and turned to him with a bored look.
"Why do I feel like you're a two-faced jerk?" You snapped. You got pissed because he invaded your little privacy.
"I am a two-faced jerk. Why?"
"OMG. You actually admitted it." You scoffed.
"There's nothing wrong being a two-faced jerk, except you're going to use it to hurt other people." He said, defending himself.
"Yeah, I don't care." You laughed but with full sarcasm.
"Why are you alone by the way?" He asked after a short moment of silence. You looked at him, judging the way he looks at you not knowing that he was also judging the way you look at him. You wanted to answer him sarcastically but you felt like you're taking it overboard. He was asking you nicely and shouldn't you answer him nicely too?
"I.. I just want to have some time for myself." You said and felt relieved after saying that.
"Sorry for invading your privacy." He chuckled, "I, too was also having my alone time until I saw you."
"So did I invade your privacy?" You raised a brow.
"Sort of. That's why I'm here talking to you." He laughed. "So it's fair." He added and both of you starts to laugh. "By the way, I really want to apologize from what I acted yesterday. I know, I shouldn't have done that." He said as he really felt sorry for that cold treatment he gave you.
"It's okay, sorry for slapping your arm too." You said and you both found yourselves staring at each other.
"So friends?"

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