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You were alone when you came into the school's stadium for your P.E class and you will be running a couple of laps soon as the class starts, but then as you arrived in there you found Ahreum and Chanmi having a nice talk with your other classmates. You wanted to go to them but Chanmi was looking at you angrily so you turned to another way and went to the uppermost bleacher. There you placed your things aside and watch your friends from afar. This is the very first time you felt alone. You sighed, cupping both of your cheeks as you feel the cold breeze hit you. It felt refreshing that made you close your eyes and tried to clear your mind but then there is always that someone who ruins your moment.
You looked up to see Jungkook standing in front of you holding a bottle of water. You just looked at him for a second and moved to the side to give space for him.
"How come you're always there when I'm alone?" You asked because you've noticed it for several times already that whenever you feel down he would suddenly appear and make you feel okay. Jungkook ruffled your hair and sat beside you. He didn't speak for a couple of moments and just stared at you. You suddenly felt awkward and pushed his face away. "Aish would you stop staring at me like that?"
"Why? Because can't handle my handsomeness?" He smirked, you made a face. There goes his ego again. "C'mon Haesoo, you know that I'm good looking." He laughed.
You rolled your eyes and sighed in annoyance, "Fine, you're good looking. Happy?" You said full of sarcasm, he nodded and went to ruffle your hair again. You were somehow getting used to him ruffling your hair like that. It makes you feel that you are really special to him. "Jungkook-a mind to answer my question?" You said, he pulled his hand away and sighed.
"The first one?" He asked and you simply nodded. "Hmm, because I don't want you to be alone, that's why." He said but you were not satisfied with it because you wanted more for an answer, something that can make your heart feel right, something that can really make you feel okay. "And, seeing you alone is the only time I can talk to you like this."
"You can talk to me anytime." You said as a matter of fact.
He shook his head, "Not anytime, you're with your friends."
"There's Chanmi, you can talk to me first if you want to have a way with her." You faked a smile but the way he looked at you, you knew he was not buying it.
"I can talk to Chanmi whenever I want, besides I'm not ready yet." He smiled.
"Seriously? With that ego of yours? You're not ready?" You scoffed yet he nodded gleefully. "Omg, Jungkook. Man up! It's either you lose her if you're going to continue like that!" You sounded like a noona when you said that.
"Wow, you are not only my best friend but a love doctor too!" He chuckled.
"Ya, I'm serious." You glared, then he raised both of his hands as a sign of defeat. "You're making fun of me."
"Let's take the same bus later OK?" He cuts you and even winked at you.
"What will you do if I say NO?" You raised a brow.
"Hmm." He tapped his chin, "I'm going to ask you again, let's take the same bus later okay?"
"Ya, it's still the same!" you exclaimed and hit him on the head. He just laughed at you as he tries to avoid your hits until you both end up holding hands together.
"You're so cute." He commented as he looked at you.
"Ya, you keep on saying that I'm cute and whatever. Maybe you have already fallen in love with me." You jokingly said.
"What if I do?" He replied instantly. "What if I really do fell in love with you?"

For a moment, you were taken a back. You fell quiet and you can feel your face began to blush.
"Haesoo, what will you do if that happens?" He asked again, then you just gave him a shrug before you looked away. "That's all? You'll shrug?"
"It will be weird, I'm your best friend, you're my best friend. If I became your girlfriend and then we broke up, we won't be able to go back as best friends.."
"Can't I love you as my best friend?" He asked this time his face was damn serious when you looked at him. Your throat suddenly went dry from his question. You were quiet that you even looked at your hands that are still linked together.
"Jeon Jungkook, love will never happen to us, right? That's what you said." Your own words made your heart break into tiny bits. You can feel that sad vibe rushing in your veins already that you feel like you're about to cry.
"Aish, sorry for asking that. I'll just see you later." He said as he stood up and left, heading to your classmates. You heaved out a heavy sigh in frustration. Did you just make him upset?


Later that afternoon, you were not feeling well the moment you stepped in the Biology Class. You felt obnoxious and weird and you felt like everyone was getting into your head that you suddenly felt dizzy. You almost fell while on your way to your seat. Kangwoo, Jungkook's best friend noticed that you're not acting very well and went to check you.
"Park Haesoo, are you OK?" he asked, holding your arm. You just nodded even though you don't know whom you are talking to. You were so dizzy that even opening your eyes won't do. "Ya, Park Haesoo.." He shook you and all of the sudden you just fell.
You just felt yourself lying on a soft bed and there was someone tapping your head which was very comforting. You slowly opened your eyes and found yourself in the clinic, and Jungkook beside you, his head resting on his other arm while his other hand taps your head. "Jungkook-a." You poke him and he slowly lifted his head and you realized he was sleeping too. "What am I doing here? You?"
"Ya, don't over react." He said and told you what had happened. "How are you feeling?" He asked you, placing the back of his hand on your head.
You suddenly felt embarrassed that you slapped his hand away, "Fine, just my head." You said holding your head as if it was going to fall because of pain, and other than that, you were blushing. Was he really here since you were unconscious?
"Then you have to rest Bestie." He smiled making your back lean on the wall.
"When and how did I come here?" You asked in a whispery manner when you noticed you're not the only patient in the room.
"You don't remember?" He asked you back. You shook your head in response. "Kangwoo noticed that you're really pale when you entered the Biology room until you just fell. I was also there, I just came in the room when I saw Kangwoo trying to lift you from the floor and I.." He stopped.
"You brought me here?" You continued his sentence for yourself which he gladly nodded.
"I piggybacked you to here. You're heavy actually." He chuckled. You blushed in embarrassment. You won't deny the fact that you're not as thin as Ahreum and that you are heavy just any other girls who love pizzas than veggies but you are not fat, just heavy.
"It's embarrassing. I didn't expect you would carry me. Thank you bestie." You said and was about to pull him to a hug when a nurse came inside and scolded the two of you for making the clinic as a lover's lane.
"Sorry ma'am, we're best friends." Jungkook reasoned as he thought of the nurse would give him exemptions for doing a hug but no, instead she forced you out of the clinic. Jungkook got mad and started to curse the nurse under his breath as you both walked out of the clinic. You watched him quietly, noticing his cute face frowning.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked, cutting you from your short fantasy of him you noticed his hand reached out to your head. You slapped his hand away and glared at him, even though he cares for you and he is your best friend you felt really awkward when he keeps on touching you so much.
"I'm fine, I'm not able to go to school tomorrow." You replied holding your head when you felt another strike of pain.
"Don't do that, I might miss you." He pouted.
"Eww, you're so gay." You made a face but then he stretched out his hand at you and pulled you close to him. "Aish, Jeon Jungkook why you-"
"I like this way Haesoo." He smiled making you smile as well.

What does he mean 'I like this way?'
He likes the way you're best friends? He likes the way he does skin ships with you? He likes the way you are in now? What?
Questions like these form in your mind making you more confused.

"Aish, how annoying." You said in defeat and then you both went to the classroom where he left your bag. "My bag thanks, Jungk-"
"I'll carry this."
"Wha- what? Ya, give me my bag." You said trying to get it from him but he was too tall for you to reach. "Ya, Jeon Jungkook, don't tell me you like my bag?" You raised a brow.
"Yeah." He smirked, "Coz it has flower patterns and kinds of stuff and stripes." He said pointing out the things he sees in the design of your bag. You felt really embarrassed when you realized how weird your bag is.
"Argggh, let's go! Before I bang my head on the wall because of you!" You exclaimed and grumpily walked out of the room, leaving him laughing at you.

to be continued

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