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"Hello, down to Earth Park Haesoo!"
You turned to Chanmi lifelessly. She has been shouting at your face trying to get your attention since this morning and you're just there sitting in the corner of your classroom, thinking about what Jungkook said to you yesterday.
"Haesoo-a, are you okay?" She said, pulling a seat beside you and began to check you like a nurse. "Aigoo, you're okay but why you do seem so blue?"
"It's nothing." You shook your head, your voice sounded cold but you know Chanmi very well that she won't stop nagging you until you tell her what's wrong.
"Did Jungkook and you fight again?" She asked, just as the moment she mentioned Jungkook's name, your heart cringe.

But why would it cringe?
You don't have feelings for him, do you? But why are you feeling hurt?

"Ya! Park Haesoo-a! Talk to me!" This time, Chanmi yelled, her patience went off that she forced you to look at her. "You must t-"
"Jungkook likes you." You spoke, making her stop.
"D-do you hear me Chanmi?" You asked and she nodded. "Well.. what can you say?"
"I don't know, what do you want me to say?" She shrugged, you knew that she was surprised to hear that because she fell speechless about it. You shook your head. You feel dumb right now and upset, but you're not upset with both of them.
"He likes you a lot." You added, looking away from her.
"But you like him?" She asked back and you fell quiet again. "Ya, Haesoo-a what the hell. Cut that crap already! I feel weird okay?"
"Why would I like him? He's my best friend."
"Ahh, stupid. You're both stupid." She hissed, flicking your forehead. You just closed your eyes as you feel her strong finger hit your head.
"What about you? You like him?" You asked, hoping for a true answer. Chanmi shook her head with a frown, you frowned as well not really getting what she meant until she finally spoke, as she held your shoulder.
"Haesoo, I don't like him especially that I knew that he likes someone already."
From what she said, you suddenly felt hopeful but eventually became hopeless at a certain thought, "What? So you mean he likes someone else other than you?" You quite like that statement but you just can't help it but to feel nervous about it. Chanmi fell quiet and you were absolutely waiting for her to continue.

"Ya, Han Chanmi. I want you to know him better, okay?" You said, even though your heart continues to cringe, maybe its the same as when Ahreum told you that she is dating someone; you felt hurt because you're going to be alone; maybe you feel pain when Jungkook told you he likes your best friend and maybe you don't want the both of them to leave you alone.
"What if I don't want to?" Chanmi exclaimed she was acting like a 7-year-old throwing tantrum in front of you. "HAESOO-A!!!"
"Ya, just trust me. He's a good guy." You smiled in assurance.
"I will never gonna like him, even though he's cute but still... CERTAINLY NO." She whined making an 'x' sign with her arms.


Later in the afternoon, you just got out from the room where the Newspaper Club held a meeting with. You are one of the staff and the main cartoonist in the group. It was just a normal meeting which was all about the upcoming issue of the school's magazine. The editor-in-chief wanted to make it special since it was her last term for being the head, so she asked you to create a design for the magazine issue. You were happy with it that finally, you will be able to show your other side of talent which was graphic designing.
It was already dark when you finally came out from school. You thought of taking a bus instead of calling your father because you wanted to spend more time away from home. As you were walking, you noticed someone was following you, looking back you saw the person behind you smiling at you widely.
"Jaesuk-a, what are you doing? Are you stalking me?" You asked, hitting him on the chest. Jaesuk is one of Jungkook's friends and one of your classmates as well. He's the same as Jungkook, he never talks to other girls and he doesn't like making friends with other people. He is actually popular in school because of his good looks and flaming charisma. He gained many fans and also gained many haters, but all in all, he has a good personality, nicer than Jungkook.
"How about you? Why aren't you home yet?" He asked as you both start to walk.
"I had a meeting with the staff earlier with the newspaper team. That's why, you?" You asked back, you were also curious about why he was still in school. Jaesuk gave you a grin. "Ya, what's with that grin?"
"I'm just watching someone." He replied. You started to creep out.
"Err, you sound like a pervert. Who? New girl?" You asked again, you love to ask information about dating stuff because it keeps you talking.
Jaesuk held out a chuckle and nodded, his round eyes turned crescent as he chuckles. "Sort of, she's the same year as us."
"Really? What section?"
Then he shook his head, "Not gonna tell." He smirked, "Anyways, I'm taking you to your bus stop if you don't mind."
You smiled brightly from that, ever since you knew Jungkook you wanted to have someone walk you to your bus stop making your road life less boring.

You both arrived at the bus stop and you can see your bus nearing already. Jaesuk was busy punching button on his phone and you do not know that he was texting Jungkook that you're with him and he had taken you to your bus stop just like he asked, but then you suddenly poke him.
"Jungkook told me something." You said.
"About what?" He asked you were hesitant to tell him what's in your mind, but it kills you not to say it.
"About his crush?" You said, biting your lip as you felt the rush of embarrassment hit you.
"Ah, yes. I know. Why? You're jealous?" He grinned, poking you back.
"What? No, why would I be? He's my best friend." You said, slapping his hand away but still he keeps annoying you.
"Hahaha, best friend." He laughed, looking at you.
"Ya, will you stop looking at me like that? You look like a pervert." You snapped.
"With this handsome face? I'm a pervert?" He laughed out loud but then he continued, "Ya, you shouldn't be jealous because there's no reason for you to be jealous."
"I said I'm not jealous!" You fumed as he kept on insisting that you are. You wanted to yell at him when your bus stopped right in front you and you quickly got in, not even taking a glance at him because you were too annoyed but then he called you making you stop your way from your seat.
"Hey, Haesoo-a can I have your number?" He asked waving his phone at you but you just gave him a cold shoulder. "Ya, Haesoo-a!"
"I don't give my number to perverts." You said and with that, the bus moved leaving Jaesuk unresolved but as you go far, you looked back and saw him talking to the phone already. "Tss, what a playboy." You mumbled under your breath.


The loud bickering voices of your parents and the loud cry of your younger brother greeted you the moment you stepped into the front door of your house. It's really embarrassing to your neighbors. You were not yet inside but you were already their topic. You don't know what to feel or even what to do.


Should you go inside? Or go to the other house and stay there for a night?

You were about to leave again when the door opened and there was your dad yelling at you already.
"Why are you late?!" He roared, but you ignored him completely and went straight inside the house. "Ya, Haesoo! I'm talking to you!" He said, grabbing your backpack making you turned to him.
"I had a meeting with the newspaper team, okay?" You replied coldly. You are very upset.
"How dare you speak to me that way!" He roared again and you noticed his hand slowly raising and you knew what will happen to you next, so you ran to your room grabbing your siblings on the way and locked yourselves inside. If you didn't do that, you all might get bruises tonight.
"Eonni, dad always fights with mom." Your sister, Haemin said as she sat on the foot of your bed. You pat your head and flashed her a smile. "When will they stop fighting?" For an 11-year-old, she's a good observer and can understand things that were going around her. You fell sorry for her and to your brother as well, they're too young to experience this kind of situation.
"Haemin, I don't know. Let's just hope they'll stop tomorrow." You said, you were actually not a good sister to both of them but saving them from your father's brutal hands it is the least thing you can do. You love them even though they are so annoying.
"Ya, Hyun come here." You said, calling your youngest sibling to come over you. He sat beside you with a frown. "Ahreum noona bought something for you." You said, almost forgetting what Ahreum asked you to give earlier. The smile on Hyun's face brightened up when you pulled a box of action figure from your bag. It was a small one but you can't estimate the happiness you see on his face.
"Waaah! Awesome!" He chimed, as he took the toy from your hands and began to play with it.
"What about me eonni?" Haemin asked, tugging your sleeve.
"Hmm, I bought chocolates." You grinned and she grinned as well but wider than yours. You knew how much she loves chocolates so you gave a pack all for her and a pack also for Hyun. How you wished everything was normal and peaceful between you and your siblings, you thought to yourself as you watch them play on the floor of your room while the roaring voices of your parents are passing through the thick walls.
to be continued

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