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Killian shuffled around the room, "She'll be here soon," he grumbled, clutching his stomach lightly, "I don't know if I can face her."

Emma sighed, falling back to sit on the bed, "You'll have to."

Liam flicked a piece of paper at Emma in an attempt to cure his boredom. It landed in her hair, and he doubled over in laughter.

"Asshole," she giggled, grabbing it from her hair and throwing the paper back at him.

Over the past few days, Liam and Emma have slowly grown fonder of one another. Hatred past, and an odd friendship began to form.

Milah's flight has been stopped and canceled continuously due to weather issues. With each delay, Killian's worrying gets worse. He's in a constant pace across the room, every so often stopping to take a breath and hold onto his stomach. After the surgery, he's had a constant loss of breath. Killian will complain about it, only causing it to be worse.

Liam stood up, walking across the room to meet his brother, "You'll survive. She's a little pregnant women, don't think she can do much damage," he chuckled.

"Pregnant! Pregnant!" Killian yelled, thrashing his arms in exaggeration, "I can't believe I knocked her up! I'm not even with her half the goddamn time."

Emma shifted uncomfortably on the bed, bringing her legs up to her chest, "You'll... be a great dad, Killian," she smiled, because it's true. He will be amazing. He'll take care of this kid and love it. He will.

Killian took a seat back on the couch, planting a kiss on her forehead, "I'm sorry, love."

"There's nothing to be sorry about," Emma held onto his hand, rubbing her thumb against it gently, 'When you get out, we should go shopping for the baby. Get a toy, or something," Emma added.

"I'm not in prison. Just a hospital."

"Might as well be," David laughed from across the room. He's refused to leave Killian's side this whole time. The same can be said for Emma and Liam. The hospital has begun to recognize them, calling the group the "Frazzled Four" due to their constant worrying and dread of what to come.

A knock sounded on the door, and in came Emma's new favorite person, Joshua, "Hey, you've got a visitor, Mr. Jones," he smiled, pulling the door open and revealing a pregnant Milah. She caught eyes with Emma for a second, and her skin almost went red. Joshua left the room again, and an awkward silence fell through the room, before Milah shook her head and dashed over to her husband.

"Oh my god, Killian," she cried, separating herself from everyone else in the room besides him. She wrapped him in a hug, Killian held her close, "Is it okay for you to be walking? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

He shook his head, "No, I can walk. My stomach is just sore," he smiled lightly, for a second forgetting the past month. Feeling as if his life could just fall back in place in Ireland, with his wife.

"Emma, let's leave them alone," Liam nudged her. She sat frozen, staring at Killian and Milah. He held Milah the same way he held her. He smiled at her with the same goddamn smile.

She clenched her fist, and left the room without another word. David nodded, leaving with her, Liam followed quickly behind, rubbing his forehead lightly, "That's his wife, Emma."

"I'm pathetic. Thinking I could have a life with him? Please, he doesn't love me. He thinks I'm pretty. He thinks I'm nice. I turn him on. That's what he thinks, right? Of course. I'm not material for the future. His fucking pregnant wife is for the future," her eyes began to sting, but she pushed back the tears, "... and I'll never be that."

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