December 24th

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December 24th

"Are you sure about this?" Liam handed over my helmet, keeping his other hand around Evelyn, "This is insane," he looked over my motorcycle.

"Neal's not a dumbass. I bet you he's tracking my every move. But, he doesn't know I have a bike," I patted the seat.

If the police won't help Emma, I will. It's not just a feeling that I have, I know she's in that motel.

"Do you even know where this place is?" Liam handed Evelyn over to me so I could say goodbye. I won't be here for her first Christmas. I won't be able to dress her up in Christmas pajamas and open up the presents Emma and I had wrapped for her just last week. I'll be saving Emma.

"I've got the name and address," I told Liam, "I can find her, I promise.

"Just give Evelyn a good Christmas," I kissed her forehead like I've done a million times before. This time she looked back at me with what seemed to me a smile, "Merry Christmas, Princess."

I gave her to David and said my goodbyes to them. They both told me to drive safe, stop if I need to. They'll text me pictures of Evelyn. Asked if it's alright if Mary Margaret and Ruby stay the night and celebrate Christmas morning here. I said they could do whatever they wanted as long as there was no alcohol.

They promised there wouldn't be and then went inside to change Evelyn into a Christmas onesie.

"Here goes nothing," I exhaled and locked the helmet under my chin. It grabbed a piece of my skin but I readjusted it. I started up the bike, and I was off. I waved to a neighbor of ours. August. Emma had talked to him when we moved in. We had him over for dinner and he said that he was a writer. We made small talk and sent him home with leftovers. He doesn't know she's missing. I don't want to have that conversation with everyone and their brother. 

I thought about August instead of the problem at hand. Apparently, his boyfriend is Joshua, Emma's favorite nurse from when I was in the hospital. We had chuckled and made comments like "what a small world!".

That world seems far too big now. I don't look forward to the eight-hour drive in front of me, probably longer because I won't be able to stay on this motorcycle for eight hours straight. How the hell did they end up in Tennessee anyways?

I need something else to think of. I need a lot to think about. But everything ties back to Emma. We had talked about adopting a cat from the local animal shelter. We had gone to volunteer and she'd fallen in love with a blind senior cat there. I didn't know, what if Evelyn became attached and then it died when she was still little?

Emma had just said that I shouldn't be thinking of that and that if we do really need to discuss that, then it would be a good opportunity to teach about death, and even though she didn't say it, I know she meant Milah.

Adoption fees were half off for the holidays, and we were going to fill out an application so the cat could come home in time for Christmas. Now that cats the last of my concerns. It seems like such a little problem.

The first five hours flew by, and I decided to stop for lunch at a small coffee shop in a small town in Alabama. I ordered a BLT and checked my phone. I had received a photo of the three of them making cookies. Evelyn was strapped to David's chest, and if a baby could be happy, she seemed to be having a great time. Her hair had been pulled up onto the top of her head and her bright blue eyes didn't have any tears in them. Her hand held one of her toes.

I texted back a thank you and told them I had about three hours to go. They told me good luck and that Mary Margaret just got here. That was followed by a picture of her lying on the floor with my daughter, playing with a soft baby book. I grinned at the picture, thankful to have such great friends.

A notification popped up from messages. A message with no caller ID.

It included a picture of what seemed to be taken from outside my kitchen window. Liam and Mary Margaret had cookies in their hands, and David was carefully tickling Evelyn's stomach.

A message came after it. Eyes everywhere. WATCH OUT, KILLIAN

Another came through, not from the same person. It was of me, smiling at my phone as I took a sip of my cup. That was just barely a few minutes ago.

Always watching

I grabbed ahold of my stuff and left a twenty on the table. I looked around the small shop, but the only other people in here is a family with a young kid and two waitresses.

Now Evelyn's in danger, and they're on to me. Whoever they are. I ran from the shop, happy to see my motorcycle still there. There was a piece of paper flapping underneath my helmet, and I picked it up to see a picture of Emma smiling at me with the words MISSING along the top. Another paper fell against my ankle, that one mirroring the other. More followed, and before I knew it, the air was full of them. Full of Emma's face.

Each one was exactly the same. My phone number, her description, and a picture of Emma. But one was different. I grabbed ahold of it.

It was Neal. With the word DANGER printed across the top. It was his mugshot, and a warning reading "Approach with caution" went across the bottom.

Another text came through, this one with a picture that worried me more than any others.

It was Emma.

She was lying on a bed with tears streaming her face. Duct tape was over her mouth and cuts lined her arms, "Oh my god," I whispered. Emma stared at the phone's camera, her eyes dull. She was covered in horrible injuries.

Once again, a text followed, I'm on your side.

I shoved the phone into my back pocket and swung my leg over the motorcycle. Now I have backup. Whoever that might be.

As I left the parking lot, pictures of Emma blocked my vision. They lined the streets and parking lot. People picked them up and showed them to one another. I let go of Neal's photo, and someone else picked it up and gasped.

Everywhere I looked, there was Emma. But somehow, she's missing. Somehow, she's lost. But somehow, I'll find her.

I'll always find her. 

I will always find you...


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