1-New Beginnings

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Dear Diary,
We are on our way to the new place. In fact, I think we are almost there. I'm scared. I've only ever lived in two places my whole life, Michigan and New York. New York is my home, my childhood. Michigan is my college, discovering myself home. But California is all new to me. On the bright side, I already have friends.
Ive mentioned them before. There's Kayla, with her dark skin, curly brown hair, and brown eyes. Her tattoos and piercings make her look fierce. She looks she could kill you, and could. To me, though, she's a cinnamon roll and I adore her.
Her brother, Anthony, is nice too. He's got some rage in him but that's okay. He goes by "GaLm" for some reason, but that's okay. It's cool to differ him from the other Anthony.
The other Anthony is nicknamed "Chilled". He's tall with tan skin and brown hair. He's funny, but he's got a twisted sense of humor.
There's also Sarah. She's a little on the dangerous side because of all the decisions she makes, but she's got a kind soul. She's got dyed red hair, which is great in contrast to my lapis colored hair.

"Lapis, we're here." John said from the front seat of the car. I glanced at him, then the front window. We were parked in front of a decent sized house. It was white with a teal colored door, a large bay window to the right side of the door, and a teal roof. I couldn't see from here, but I knew the backyard was pretty nice. The house was two stories with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen.

I stepped out of the car, slinging my Pikachu bag over my shoulder. In it was my phone, with it's wallet case, the charger, a notebook and pen set, and a book. My clothes were all in a large pink tote bag in the back of the car.

After college was finished, my brother, John, his girlfriend, and I moved to California. We all needed a new start, seeing as the tragedy that befell our family. It was beautiful here, but so much different from the two homes I've known, which were New York and Michigan, where I went to college.

I gathered my luggage from the back and hauled it into the house. The house had furniture in it already. Some friends we made when we visited here a few months ago offered to move it all in for us.

"It looks nice." Marissa, John's girlfriend, said as she came in behind me.

"Yeah, it does." I mumbled. I dragged my things up the stairs to the bedrooms, finding the one I had picked when we first bought the place. Opening the door, I was met with blue walls, a bed with blue bedding, a closet, dresser, and nightstand. My favorite color was blue, which is probably why my hair was dyed that color.

I placed my luggage down and looked around the room. Our friends made it look like the picture I sent them, resembling my old bedroom back in New York.

I began unpacking, trying to distract myself from my thoughts. I didn't want to be here, but I also didn't want to be back on New York. Going to Michigan for college gave me extreme anxiety until I finally got used to it. I was already screaming internally at the thought of learning the tricks and trades of Cali.

I placed my diary on the nightstand, looking at it longingly. It was my safe haven. I wrote how I was feeling, as well as stories that came to mind. I went to college to be an Author, or Journalist, or something in the English field. Now, I only had to find a fitting job.

A knock at my door startled me from my thoughts. I turned to see my brother in the doorway.

"Hey, Mar and I are gonna head to the store, maybe explore the town. Want to come?" He asked, peeking his head in through the door.

"Sure." I offered him a small smile. I grabbed my Pikachu bag and slung it over my shoulder, emptying it of anything I might not need on this hopefully quick trip.

"We are gonna head to GaLm's place tomorrow. Get with our friends." He said as I followed him out to the car. Marissa was already there, waiting for us.

I got into the back seat as John got in the front. "Do we know where we are going?"

"Nope, but that's the beauty of it!" He grinned at me through the rearview mirror.

I rolled my blue eyes, looking down at my phone. I hadn't checked it since about halfway through the trip from New York to California. We had stopped to sleep for the night, and I hadn't looked at anything since breakfast.

There were a few messages from GaLm, Sarah, and Kayla. They were asking where I was and if I'd arrived yet and similar things. I replied back to them and checked my social media.

"Found it!" John yelled from the front. I jumped out of fear and glared at him. Looking past the window, I saw we had arrived at a Wal-Mart. Well, it was as good a place as any to get groceries.

Entering the store that looked as trashy as the internet made it out to be, I branched off from my brother to search for anything of interest to me. I ended up in the part of the store that sold books.

"Sapphire?" Someone whispered. I turned to see a man with blonde, shaggy hair and blue tinted glasses.

I looked behind me, assuming someone else was near by. No one was. It was just me and the stranger.

I ignored him, shifting through the books. Man, this place gets worse the more I go to it.

"Sapphire.... How...?" The guy asked, stepping closer to me.

"I'm sorry... Are you talking to me? Because I'm not this 'Sapphire' person." I explained, looking confused. Anxiety began to fill my veins.

The guy's eyebrows creased, then a sad smile formed on his pink lips. "Apologies, you look familiar."

I nodded. "That's okay, happens to us all."

The guy gave a quick nod of his head and walked away. Shrugging off the sense of dread and anxiety, I began to search for my brother.

In the video game section, I found John and Mar. I grabbed Mar's arm from behind, gaining her attention.

"Some dude thought I was someone else. Kinda weird." I told her.

"Really? Hmm. Maybe it's the hair." Her eyes glanced at my blue hair.

"Yeah, maybe." I shrugged. My hair wasn't exactly common, but it also wasn't rare, either. It was possible someone else around here had a similar hair color.

I noticed my brother was talking to a guy. The guy had brown hair and shining green eyes. He wore a red shirt and jeans.

"Who is that?" I asked, pointing subtly to the guy.

"That's Steven. He and John bonded over some game, I guess." She shrugged.

The guy turned to me, his bright eyes raising in shock.

"Oh, Steven, this is my sister, Lapis. Lapis, this is Steven. He's a friend of Chilled's." John introduced, finally realizing I was there.

"Lapis? Like the stone?" Steven asked. The look of shock turned to confusion.

I nodded. "Yeah. My mom's best friend gave her a Lapis stone the day she found out I was a thing, so.." I shrugged.

The guy smiled sadly. "I knew someone who was named after a blue stone, too."

It was my turn for my eyebrows to crease in confusion. "Sapphire?"

Steven looked shocked again, more so than before. "You know her?"

I shook my head, feeling a sense of dread again. "No, but some guy mistook me for her so.."

He shook his head, looking pained. "I have to go." He took off after that, leaving the three of us confused.

"Are we ready to go?" Marissa asked after a moment.

"Yeah... Let's go.." I said, looking towards the way Steven had left. I gripped the strap of my bag tightly and began to walk towards the exit. Something didn't feel right to me.

Two people in the span of maybe ten minutes looked at me as if I was a wonder to behold, and mistook me for the same person. It couldn't be a coincidence. Something was up, and I intended to find out what.

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