13. In The Light of The Moon Part 1

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~3rd Person~

A man with blonde hair and a red baseball cap took careful, calculated steps into the town of San Francisco, California. A small smirk played on his pink lips as his blue-green eyes scanned the crowds of people going about their lives.

"Is she here?" He murmured to a young girl next to him. She was a short brunette, wearing black leather. She nodded, closing her eyes and raising her hand momentarily. "Good. Find her."



I walked along the sidewalk quickly, tapping away at the screen of my phone. Steven said Tom had taken off in the middle of the night last night. Whether or not he was safe, we had bigger fish to fry. The full moon was in three days and even with Sly's help, I was still dreadfully worried for Anthony. It couldn't be easy, not knowing what was going to happen when he transitioned. Chilled was used to it, but this would be GaLm's first time. I only wished it would go smoothly for him.

I bumped into someone and immediately shot my head up, startled and apologetic. "I'm so sorry!" I breathed, feeling my cheeks blaze with embarrassment.

"It's no problem." The other person said with a small smile. He was taller than me, but probably average height for a guy. He had blonde hair with darkened roots spiked slightly upwards. He wore a leather jacket and jeans. His brown eyes seemed to widen slightly as he took in my appearance.

I smiled slightly and began walking away. I wasn't exactly on a time crunch, but I wanted to get to the library as soon as possible.

"Hey, wait! You headed somewhere?" He asked.

"Library. Why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Why would a stranger care where I was going?

"Oh, thank God," the guy let out a breath of relief, "I need to be there but I don't know the way. I'm here on a college trip. Homework, you know?"

I nodded. I did know. "Uh, yeah. Okay. Follow me." I turned and began my original trek. I didn't want to be rude. But it seemed weird; this was the second person in two days that asked if I knew how to get to the library.

"I'm Aleks, by the way." He said.

"Lapis." I replied, quickly glancing at my phone. It was a nervous habit, but I also wanted to male sure Ze was alright.

"Nice name. I like your hair." He complimented.

"Thanks." I remarked shortly. "Sorry, I don't mean to be a total bitch here but I've got a lot on my mind."

"I get it. I'm busy too, but I don't know where shit is around here." Aleks stated. He had shoved his hands into his pocket, pulling one out when he talked. He moved it about animatedly, a glimmer of something blue shining off of one finger.

"That ring.... Lapis Lazuli?" I asked, pointing to it.

Aleks glanced at it and nodded. "Yeah. It's a family heirloom. You know your stones."

"It's my namesake." I knew immediately this guy was a Vampire, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do about it. Do I run? Do I keep my cool? He didn't seem malicious, but neither had Tom when I first met him.

"Right, right." Aleks nodded. "Why did your parents name you that, anyway?"

I tensed. Though Aleks seemed nice enough, every fiber of my being was telling me to leave. Luckily, the library was just ahead.

"That's the library." I pointed it out, immediately texting both Marissa and Kayla my location in case something went down.

"Thank you, for getting me here. I owe you." Aleks smiled.

"Don't mention it." I remarked as I headed to the section I needed. I knew this place well by now. I knew where the lore books were better than I knew where I kept my own journal at home.

I grabbed what I needed and began moving towards the checkout counter. As I was checking out, I noticed the bigger man from the bakery yesterday talking with Aleks. As discreetly as I could, I snapped a picture of the two and exited the library. I sent the photo to Steven, not paying any attention to my surroundings.

I slammed into something or someone, startling. I was getting serious deja vu. "I'm so sorry!"

I looked up, stopping dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe what I was seeing before me. It had been months, but felt like years. Why was he here? How?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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