11. Catcher In The Sly

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Kayla frowned, hands clasped tightly together in her lap. She sat on the couch in her home, her brother next to her. The rest of us, the Fawkes brothers, John, Mar, myself, and Chilled stood around the room. Sarah was the only one not here, as she had work. I'd inform her later.

"So... It's true?" GaLm asked, looking with fearful eyes at his sister.

Kayla nodded, a frown so deep set on her lips, it was a wonder her mouth could stretch in such a way. "It's true." She remarked, meeting his gaze.

Chilled turned his face to the ground, then turned his entire body towards the front door. His hand reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his phone. "The full moon is going to be soon. But we have some time. I'm going to call an old friend that can help with the transition, okay?"

"Is there any way to stop this?" I asked, noticing the utter pain and fear in my friend's brown eyes.

Anthony shook his head. "Not that I am aware of. Once this curse is triggered, that's it."

"I'll look for a cure, or at least a temporary solution for the time being." Kayla frowned, standing up. The birth records of the siblings lay scattered on the floor, proving GaLm's real heritage. The female Franklin sibling walked towards her room, slamming the door shut to echo her own feelings. She didn't want her brother, someone she grew up with and shared everything with, to be such a monster. She had her own demons to fight with being a supernatural being, she didn't need this, too.

~Chilled's P.O.V.~

I stepped out of GaLm's house, dialing a number into the keypad on my phone as I did so. I put the phone to my ear and huffed out a breath as I waited for someone to pick up on the other end.

"Hello?" An accented voice filled my ears, allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief. At least he was still alive and well.

"Eddie?" I murmured, checking my surroundings to make sure no one was around and eavesdropping. If the Vampires inside could hear me, that wasn't that big of a deal. They were my friends, and they didn't want GaLm to be like me, anyway. I could kill them when I turned, and so could he.

"Anthony? Is that you?" Eddie asked. I didn't need to see his face to tell he was smiling widely.

"Hey man, it's been a while! But, I need some help." My lips twitched in a frown and mimicked the tone in my voice. I hadn't talked to Sly since my third transition. He helped me through my painful turnings, but then took off to deal with family issues. I hadn't heard much from or about him since, and it's been years. I'm a seasoned wolf now.

"Of course, Chilly. Anything. What's up?" He sounded concern. That was one thing I admired in him. He learned to control his anger, a side effect of being what we are, and was a genuinely positive force. I wasn't as positive as he was, but I did learn better to control my emotions from him.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "I have a friend, known him for a while now. He lives with a witch family, but he was adopted. He's like us, and he triggered the curse recently. I was hoping, before the next full moon, you could come down and help him."

There was silence on the other end, which unnerved me. It wasn't like Eddie not to help someone in need. It was a trait seared into his soul after triggering his curse.

"Where are you, bubba?" He asked, and I released a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"Sacramento, California." I told him.

"All the way across the U.S., huh? Alright. I'll be there before the next full moon. Promise. Got some stuff to work out here first, but I promise you, I will be there." Sly said.

"Thank you, Sly!" I grinned. I pulled the phone from my ear and hung up, turning back towards the house. It'll be alright, GaLm. I'm gonna make sure you survive this unscathed, both mentally and physically.

~Lapis's P.O.V.~

I paced my living room, Mar and John with me. The two were still coming to terms with what was going on, but it seemed easier on them than the first mess.

"Lapis, you're too invested, aren't you?" Marissa asked, standing on her feet and walking towards me. She grabbed my hands and made me look at her.

I nodded. "It's in my DNA. My parents did this, and these are our friends. We can't let them do this alone. GaLm triggered this part of himself saving me, so I'm going to be there for him every step of the way."

"Then we'll be there, too." John said, wrapping his arms around us. I smiled and leaned into his side, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you both so much. We're gonna get through all of this." I told them, praying to anyone who was listening to make this true. I couldn't let my brother and his girlfriend fall to the same fate my parents did. I'd die before that.

~3rd Person P.O.V.~

A man stood in the shadows, watching Sapphire move about the town. A small smirk rested on his lips as he watched her, her blue-haired self compelling and killing innocent people. He turned and went on his way, walking down the road, houses on either side. His ears perked as he noticed another blue-haired beauty, resembling Sapphire, exit a house with a blonde woman and a dark-haired man. He stopped, frowning in thought. She looked exactly like Sapphire.

She must be a Shivani doppelganger. Which meant that he needed to get to know her. The next full moon was coming, and if he knew anything, it was that someone so evil was coming to this town, ready to destroy anyone and anything in his path to get what he wanted.

And he would most definitely want the doppelganger.

He turned, pulling his phone from his pocket and pressing a button. In seconds, his voice began speaking. "James? Do you know where Aleks and Seamus are? I found a doppelganger and I think I'm going to need some help here. Sapphire is here, too, and if Jordan finds out, things are going to end up very badly for this poor girl." A pause occurred, as he watched the girl and her companions get into a car and drive off. "Yes, I'll keep tabs on her. Just make sure you're here before the next full moon. And do not let our dearest brother know, if you happen to come in contact with him." He clicked the phone off and shoved it back in his pocket.

Things just got interesting, for the first time in a very long time.

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