3: Background Check

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~3rd person~
Sacramento, California, 1917

Steven opened the front door to his house, smiling politely. A beautiful young woman stood on his front porch, a sweet smile on her face.

"You must be Sapphire." Steven said, extending his hand.

The woman nodded. "You're Steven, I take it?" She smiled and placed her hand in his.

"My father said you'd be coming around... Come in." Steven stepped aside, allowing the woman in. He couldn't help but stare at the colorful mass of hair tumbling down around her shoulders. No one had hair that color, not even famous people.

"How do you have your hair that color?" He asked, unable to keep his green eyes from the blue strands.

Sapphire smiled, turning her gaze on him. "People are much too preoccupied with the war to care about the color of my hair."

"It's beautiful..." He remarked. "Can I.. touch it?"

"You can do whatever you want, Steven. After all, aren't women made for men?" The way she said this was sarcastic and bitter.

"I don't see women the way most men do. I was raised better." Steven said, reaching up to gently twirl a strand of her gorgeous hair between his fingers. It felt so smooth and soft, like a silk blanket.

"How do you see women, then?" She asked, gazing softly up at his face.

He looked down at her, his breath catching in his throat. "Like any other human. You're so beautiful..."

Sapphire smiled, leaning up and placing a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, Steven. Now, show me to my room?"

~Lapis's P.O.V.~
Present day

I watched the full moon shine her white light down on the ground below. As requested, we all stayed inside. Not that we had anything else to do.

Whatever was going on with my new friends, I didn't like it. They all acted so weird. It's how I imagined the Greeks to act way back. "Be careful, or Zeus will smite you!"

As I watched the moon's soft glow, I heard a wolf's howl. Curiously, I reached for my laptop, turning it on. Were there wolves in California?

I typed in "full moon" in the search bar, followed by a wolf, and California. Immediately, old news clippings of animal attacks in the California area filled the page.

I read each article, noticing similarities in all of them. A person, or group, was attacked by an animal, being completely drained of blood. There were other articles of animal attacks that tore people to shreds after a full moon.

I began to laugh. Were these real? They had to be hoaxes! These sounded just like the myths we read about in my Mythologies class in college. The Curse of the Moon and the Curse of the Sun.

I shut my laptop, finding my way to the living room. My brother and his girlfriend sat on the couch, snuggling and watching "The Office".

"So, apparently, California is known for its animal attacks. It's all bullshit, though. Myths and shit. I read about them in college." I said as I sat down in between them, smirking at their playful glares.

"Chilled seemed pretty adament about us staying in tonight. And after you left, he and GaLm mentioned some things about animal attacks." John said with a shrug.

I rolled my blue eyes. "It's all bs, John. Trust me. An animal that vicious wouldn't be around people, unless it was provoked by some idiot in the woods or something."

"Don't worry about it, alright? We're safe here, bs or not." John said, slinging his arm around me. His hand grabbed Marissa's, and I smiled.

He was right. Regardless of what Chilled believed, or what was true, we were safe here. I was with my loving brother and his supportive girlfriend. We were going to be happy here.

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