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On Monday morning, Ace was waiting at my locker... and so was Ray. I hadn't spoked to him since I leaked the video and he and the girls were the only people that knew. He only knew because I was the only person that could've recorded.

My heart thumped in my chest. He was talking to Ace and I was praying that he wasn't telling him the truth. But, Ray was one of my best friends. He wouldn't expose me.

"Hello, guys." I greeted them.

"Hey," Ace kissed my cheek. Ray looked at me with confusion. I hadn't yet filled him in.

"Char, I need to talk to you right now." Ray pulled me away.

"You can't just steal her from me, Ray." Ace pulled me back.

"This is important. You can eat her ass later on." Ray rolled his eyes. Ace let go, but only because he was shocked. While he was processing Ray's words, I was pulled completely away.

"I know what this about." I said, ashamed.

"That video, Charlotte...," he started to say.

I cut him off, "I know, I know. I'm sorry"

I rubbed the side of my arm and looked down at my feet. Ray and I had never had a fight before and I actually felt bad that this would be our first one.

"Charlotte, you made me so much more popular." He beamed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"The guys think I'm even cooler than before and all the girls are trying to get a piece. You know I come with a big package." He smirked.

"You're not mad?"

"Of course not! Charlotte, come on. What guy ever gets slammed from a sex tape? They immediately become popular. People think I sent in the video and they're saying I'm cool for exposing her." Ray was loving his new fame.

"Ray, you cannot tell anyone the truth!" I warned him.

"Trust me, I won't. I like people thinking that it was me."

I hugged him. I didn't expect him to react like this. I thought our friendship would be over.

"But, uh, what's good with you and Ace?" he asked.

"There is no me and Ace...yet," I smirked, "We're in the dating stage. Hopefully if all goes well, we will be exclusive."

"Charlotte, do not mess with him. He's not good. He's going to break your heart. If you get heartbreak after heartbreak, I KNOW you will lose your mind. Please, listen to me." He begged.

"I appreciate your concern, Ray. But, I need to move on. This is me moving on. If I happen to get heartbroken, I'll probably just cry a bit more." I chuckled because I knew I was lying. I'd probably fall into a deep depression and never move from my bed again.

"Be careful, Charlotte." He said before going to class.

There was still ten minutes until class so I went back to my locker, expecting to see Ace there. He was gone and instead Spencer was waiting for me.

"Charlotte, Ace and Caitlyn are talking! Come on!" she pulled me. It seemed like I was being pulled by everyone that morning.

"What do you mean they're talking?" I asked as I jogged to keep up with her.

"Riley and Havoc are listening. They're in the stairwell." We went up to the third floor and entered the stairwell they were in. They were standing on the second floor.

"Ace, you were my only real friend. I've been miserable without you." She sounded like she had been crying.

"You dissed me and everyone in school heard it. I'm out here looking dumb because of you!" Ace was angry. I could tell by the sharpness in his voice.

I noticed Havoc was recording. She was always prepared.

"Ace, please. I'll do anything!" she pleaded. There was silence for a few seconds. I gave the girls questioning looks and they shrugged.

"Get off of me! You can't suck my dick and expect everything to be better!" Ace yelled. I gasped. The stairwell doors opened and slammed shut.

"I'm jumping that bitch." I said to the girls.

"Guard the doors." Riley instructed. Spencer held close the doors on the third floor. Riley, Havoc, and I walked down to the second floor. Caitlyn was standing there, crying. Havoc continued down to the first floor to guard the door.

"Really, Caitlyn? You actually thought you could take him from me! When will you realized that he's mine?" I walked closer and closer to her until she was backed into the corner.

"Leave me alone." She said sternly. She was trying to sound tough, but she was scared. Her voice was shaky.

"Or what?" I taunted her. "What is big and bad Caitlyn going to do?"

"She won't do shit, Char." Riley scoffed. I appreciated her back up.

"Like hell I won't. I'm no wuss." She glared. Suddenly, my jaw was paining me. I'd reached my breaking point with her. I was so angry I could've cried. Instead, I put all my anger into her with punches and kicks.

"Fuck you!" I said as I punched her in the nose. I continued to punch her over and over until she fell to the ground. I got on top of her, punching her more and more. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. My fists kept pounding into her face.

Every emotion I was feeling from Aidan also went into my hits. I stood and kicked her.

"Spaghetti!" Havoc yelled. This was our code word for when someone was coming. Riley and I ran up the stairs and Spencer got the memo. The three of us entered the third floor and quickly went into the bathroom across from the doors.

"I hope Havoc is alright." I breathed heavily. My knuckles had blood on them. I wasn't sure if they were hers or mine.

We all got a notification at the same time. There must've been another exposing on the page.

Riley had the page up first so we viewed it from her phone. The video of Ace and Caitlyn was up. Havoc was just too good!

"Guys, first period started two minutes ago!" Spencer said frantically.

"We're just going to have to skip it." I shrugged.

"No, I just can't skip!" she shook her head.

Our principal's deep voice suddenly boomed over the intercom, "Charlotte Anderson, Riley Jones, Spencer Wood, and Havoc Stalin, please report to the main office immediately."

"Girls, listen to me. We were never back there. Text Havoc and tell her." I instructed them. I was used to getting out of trouble.

"Deny anything!" Riley added.

I let out a big breath as we walked to the office.

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