The Story of Sun and Moon

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Hues of scarlet

Slowly unfurl

Across the vast expanse

Reaching as far as the eye could see

The glowing ball of fire

Makes its descent

Pulled by the horizon

Towards oblivion

To repent his sins

Done long ago before when

Life was merely a dream;

He was warned

Against falling for the Goddess of Night

Yet he couldn't resist

And so couldn't she;

He was bright as bright could be

And she was lightless beauty

Quiet, yet breathtaking in his eyes

And so he gave her his most precious light

And she wore his heart like a silken dress

That made her glow in her dark throne

Catching the attention of the Sky

Who dammed them both

To the worst purgatory for lovers;


Close enough to see the other

Far enough so they couldn't touch

Cursed across time

To only be let out of the horizon

When the other is in

And so while we stare in awe

The sun fades away

Just so his beautiful lover

Can take his place

And live for the night.

As the stars keep her company

She calls out into the darkness

The cicadas join her in harmony

All through the night

As she leaves soft, silver-blue notes

Hidden among the trees and sleeping buds

Away from Sky's eyes

As she retreats to her cage

Her lover rises bright

He reads them all;

While she smiles at him and drinks in his light

And it continues, a sorrowful cycle

Till the end of time

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