Part 10

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RagLak-Our Cute Love Story (Part 10)
Hello guys. I am back with next part of this ff. Thank u to all those who voted, commented and silent readers as well.


@ mm

Dp, ap, janaki, shekhar, viren and jeevika are sitting in hall and talking casually. While talking janaki stops suddenly and is looking shocked at one point, seeing her like this others look in that direction and are shocked (arey what are they shocked at let me see Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Raglak are standing there with Garland's in their neck and ragini has vermilion on her foreline and mangalsoothr around her neck. Her eyes are fully pluffed due to crying and even laksh is also in a very devasted state. All comes out of shock when ragini ran to janaki and hug her crying bitterly. On seeing them like that they all understood that some thing is wrong as they know their children can never do such things and beyond that they don't need to do like that. Laksh also comes and sits on the couch holding his head in his hand,janaki makes ragini to sit in the couch while ragini kept her head on janaki's shoulder and keeps weeping. Ap goes and brings water for them laksh drinks water and sighs and takes a deep breath.

Laksh: duckling are u fine?

Ragini nods her head with tears in her eyes. Shekhar, dp who are sitting on either side of laksh looks at him.

Shekhar: what happened laksh beta?

Laksh÷ (hugs him) I am sorry papa I didn't have any option so I did this.

Dp÷ what happened beta?

Laksh looks at him and starts telling flash back.


Raglak are sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace in that small hut. But their sleep gets disturbed due to some sounds and both open their eyes only to find a huge number of tribal people staring at them ragini gets afraid and hugs laksh.

One of the men speaks some thing but raglak don't understand what he is speaking as the man is speaking in tribal language. They both are just blankly staring at them.

Laksh: (feeling ragini's fear whispers) shh duckling don't get afraid I am there na.

Hearing him one of the men comes front and speaks

Man: they are asking u who are you? And what are you both doing here?

Laksh: woh we both came to a picnic to a place near and by mistake we entered into the forest and got lost.

Tribal man asks something and the man keeps translating to them.

Man: what is the relation between you both

Laksh: she is my fiance

Some women come near ragini and drags her from laksh

Ragini÷ (shouts) jelly

Laksh÷ hey leave her (he was about to move towards her but few men caught hold of him) hey leave me leave her what do you want.

Man: how can u both stay together that also at night without being married.

Laksh÷ what is wrong in that we did not do any wrong thing

Man÷ in our place if any unmarried girl and boy are together that too at night they both should be married immediately

Laksh÷ what if I say no

Man÷ then u will get 50 blows with the whipp and we are going to make the girl our slave

Laksh÷ (angry) how dare u? Who are you to force us to get married I am not going to do anything like that leave me (he struggles in their clutch) arey leave me

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