Part 46

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Laksh comes from office and saw Ragini who is sitting with an angry pout. He frowns.

Laksh: (in mind) Now why is she sitting like this? (With horrified expression) Did... Did she get to know about ice...cream?

Laksh looks at Ragini who is glaring him. He slowly moves towards her.

Laksh: (with sweet voice) Hello Duckling!

Ragini glares him. He gulps.

Laksh: What happened? Why are you sitting like this?

Ragini: (gritting her teeth) You really don't know?

Laksh nods no making an innocent face. Ragini raises her hand as if to hit him but Laksh holds her hand preventing her from hitting him.

Laksh: What happened? Please tell me?

Ragini bursts out into laughter. Laksh looks confused but a smile aapears on his lips looking at her laugh. He keeps his hand under his chin and keeps admiring her laugh. Ragini observes him and stops laughing. She sees him smiling and smiles back. She also sits like him and keeps looking at him. They both keep staring into eachother's eyes.

Laksh: (still looking in her eyes) You were acting?

Ragini laughs again and nods yes.

Laksh: Thank God! I thought you got to know....

He stops realising he was about to spill the truth out. Ragini frowns.

Ragini: (frowning) I got to know what?

Laksh: You got to know that how much I love you.

He says in one go. Ragini smiles. She keeps her head on his shoulder.

Ragini: I know that long back Mr. Jelly.

Laksh: (smiling) Aww... Its long back you called me Jelly.

Ragini: (pulling his cheeks) Because I Love calling you Laksh now.

Laksh smiles.

Laksh: (kissing her cheek) And I Love it when you call me by my name.

Ragini smiles but suddenly makes an angry face. Laksh frowns.

Ragini: And I hate you for having my ice cream last night.

Laksh gulps.

Laksh: (gulping and stammering) I...I...

Ragini: (gritting her teeth) Will you speak further?

Laksh: (with bold voice) Yes! I had ice cream. Why? Does it belongs to you?

Ragini pouts.

Ragini: Why are you shouting?

Laksh realises he spoke a little loud. He sighs.

Laksh: I am sorry bacha.

Ragini hugs him. Laksh hugs her back. He was so tired and after coming back this drama made him frustrated. He kisses her head.

Laksh: I am sorry.

Ragini: (closing his mouth) I am sorry. I shouldn't have started that all. You look so tired.

Laksh: Hmm...

Ragini: Had food?

Laksh: Hmm...

Ragini breaks the hug.

Ragini: Now baby wants papa to get fresh and then sleep along with Mumma. So papa go and get change.

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