Part 28

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Hello guys... As promised here is the next part....


Laksh is sitting blankly while Ragini is driving the car. She is glancing Laksh while driving. Her heart pained looking at him. But she is thinking something else. She stopped the car. Laksh looked around being confused. They are in front of a hospital. Ragini got down and held Laksh hand and again dragged him along with her.

There she went towards a man who is waiting for her. Laksh looked confused at the man.

Ragini: Is it ready Sid?

Sid: (her pa) here it is ma'am?

Ragini: (taking an envelop) thank you so much Sid.

Sid: ma'am its my duty.

Ragini smiles and takes Laksh with her. She makes him sit on a chair and she sits beside him. She makes him look at her. He bends his head looking down.

Ragini: (cupping his face) Laksh (he looks at her with teary eyes and about to say something but Ragini interrupts) Ain't you waiting for my reaction? (Laksh just looks at her. He is not understanding anything) You know Laksh I Love You so much that if god comes and says that you touched someother girl other than me I will never believe. And now also I don't believe what you told me. I know my Laksh loves me till his death that even if he is not in his senses he will not touch anyone girl otherthan his Ragini. Arey he don't even touch his Ragini without her consent and you want me to believe that you did that. I trust you Laksh.

Laksh looks at her teary eyes.

Ragini: You know why I brought you here? I trust you but I want to prove you that you are innocent. I want you to come out of the guilt which is killing you inside yourself. (Ragini's eyes are also teary looking at his condition) My Laksh is innocent I know but there is someone who wanted something from you. I don't know what that is? Why they are doing this to you? So today I want to know all those. So before knowing that I want to show that you did nothing. (Forwarding the envelope) this is Miss. Sandra's Virginity test (Laksh looks shocked)  I don't know what is there in the report. But I know it will show what I want. I did this for your satisfaction. So open it. And see the proof that you didnot do anything.

Laksh: (with teary eyes) how do you know that it will show what we want?

Ragini: (smiles lightly) because my heart says that.

Laksh: (scared) what if...(interrupted as Ragini kept her hand on his mouth)

(interrupted as Ragini kept her hand on his mouth)

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Ragini: just trust me and see.

Laksh slowly looks at the envelop. He slowly opens the envelop with shivering hands. He opens it and sees. His eyes starts flowing after seeing the result. His lips broke into smile making Ragini to smile whole heartedly. A sob escapes Laksh's mouth. Ragini hugs him while he bursts into cry in her embrace. After few minutes he becomes normal. He breaks the hug and looks at Ragini.

He holds her hand and kisses it.

Laksh: Thank you so much for trusting me Ragini. I Love you.

Ragini: I Love you too Laksh and about trusting you, you are my life and will anybody doubt their life?

Laksh looks at her lovingly. Ragini wipes his tears.

Laksh: (confused) but why did she say so? And how was I in that position?

Ragini: (thoughtfully) there is something which she wants from you Laksh.

Laksh looks at her confused.

Ragini: from the day I met her I had a feeling that she is upto something. And today morning she came for meeting and in that she behaved odd. She was smirking and talking about you and my relation. I felt odd. And I also heard she talking to someone in phone that her plan is almost over and her revenge on you is going to complete.

Laksh: (whispers) revenge?

Ragini: I felt that your behaviour from these many days is connected to her. So I was determined to know and this all happened.

Laksh: (thinking) I should find out why did she do so? What revenge she wants from me?

Ragini holds his hand and asks him to come with her. Laksh nods and goes with her. They go into a ward and see Miss. Sandra laying unconscious. Laksh looks at her shocked.

Ragini: I asked Sid to follow her and then came to you in office. He was following when you told me everything and I asked him to kidnap her. She was in a cafe and he mixed sleeping pills in her coffee and kidnapped her and made her test. She is still unconscious.

Laksh: You did all this?

Ragini: Till now I said that only na.

Laksh smiles looking at her lovingly. How much she loves him? Their life is turning different angles after their marriage and their love for eachother is growing more and more.

Ragini saw Sandra moving and getting conscious. She moves towards her. Laksh follows her. They both stood in front of her while Sandra opens her eyes and looks confused seeing herself in hospital.

Ragini: confused?

Sandra looks at her.

Ragini: I brought you here for getting some answers.

Sandra: answers?

Laksh: (angry but calm) why did you do that?

Sandra: (smirking) What did I do Mr. Maheshwari? It was you who did everything on that day.

As soon as she said that she received a slap from Ragini. Ragini is looking at her angrily that she will kill her anytime.

Ragini: stop talking all the nonsense and making some stupid stories. Tell me why are you here and why did you target Laksh? Why do you want revenge from him?

Sandra looks at him angrily while Laksh looks confused.

Sandra: (angrily) haan I said everything intentionally because I want him to hate himself. Feel disgusted about himself. I want you to feel disgusted of him his family to feel disgusted everyone should hate him.

Laksh: (confused) but what did I do to you that you want everyone to hate me?

Sandra: (angrily) ......

RagLak look at her confused while she keeps glaring them.


Ok so you will get to know why she is taking revenge from Laksh in next part...

And one more thing... I am going out of station so I will not be able to update till next week.... Next update will be on next Friday...

Till then keep smiling.

With Love
Dharani (Dhaరणि)

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