Chapter One: Thawing the Heart.

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Aincrad, Floor 64: Labyrinth 8:46 AST (Aincrad Standard Time)

Sweat poured down the boy's face as he shifted his weight to his right foot, pivoting as he did, using the momentum he carved a diagonal path across his foe with almost surgical precision, the ebony tinted long sword raking a crimson line through the level forty mob for the last time. Upon its arc concluding the mob burst into thousands of particles of light that hung like a shimmering veil in the air before disappearing, emitting a soft tinkling sound as they did leaving only the Longsword user in their wake; He sagged slightly as he lowered his sword, his breathing becoming ragged, he took a moment to compose himself, his free hand slowly raising to open the status window, to see the fruits of his labors.

(Kirito: Level 80) Was written in bold letters across the top of the window, grinning to himself he allowed a sense of accomplishment to wash over him, the field boss had pushed him the final two levels to eighty as well as rewarding him a substantial amount of Col, he glanced at his health bar, alarmed at the red-tinted display that greeted him, another solid few hits and the boss would have fully drained it. "Lucky again" he mused as he pulled the cap off a health potion after sheathing his sword on his back. "That'll run out one day y'know?" a voice replied from behind him, he spun round while throwing the now empty potion bottle and unsheathing his sword once again, his dark eyes scanning for the source of this voice. "You REALLY need to loosen up Ki'" the girl giggled as she spoke once again, "Can't a girl say hello without the threat of decapitation?" Kirito groaned as he lowered his weapon, the threat gone, "Yuuki you know full well that you shouldn't sneak up on people, especially here" he gestured to the surrounding labyrinth, "We both know your ALWAYS on edge Kirito" she replied, her tone becoming more serious, "But thats just part of the reason your such a good swordsman, huh?" her tone had returned to it's usually light and airy tone with her last comment and she fixed her beaming smile on Kirito while locking eyes; The two had met on the front lines sometime after Floor 40 had been cleared, the two had become an unofficial party of sorts with Kirito's actual partner and wife Asuna away busy managing the Knights of the Blood Oath. The two had fought alongside one another until Kirito had left the front lines for months on end with no explanation, upon his return he was stony and silent, distancing himself from the Clearing Group and Yuuki, after asking about his absence he had simply informed her that Asuna had been killed by a traitorous member of KOB by the name of Kuradeel. He broke off completely acting as a lone wolf only addressing Yuuki if he was required to, she had put up with it for months even after all others had given up on him and eventually they rekindled some of their lost friendship, with her eventually thawing out Kirito, the two still rarely saw one another aside from strategy meetings but with Yuuki's stubborn attitude they had begun to meet more often.

"I-I..." Kirito stuttered as he looked at Yuuki, her smile and tone banishing any scolding response he may have had and her particular attire wiping away any others:

She had dressed in a low cut top that exposed her stomach and a short blazer like jacket that ended at her waist, in place of her usual long skirt she wore a red colored one that dropped to her thighs, her feet were clad in a pair of boots that came just past her ankles, the outfit framed Yuuki very differently to the last time Kirito saw her, she seemed to have aged a great deal with the simple outfit change; 

"N-new outfit I s-see?" Kirito stuttered, mentally kicking himself for the wavering, high pitched rasp that came in place of his normal voice, Yuuki's face took on a confused expression for a moment before returning to it's usual ice melting smile, "Glad you noticed" she beamed, "I decided it was time for a change, wearing the same outfit for over a year DOES get a little boring" she laughed gesturing at his usual black outfit of a trench coat, shirt, and jeans which had remained unchanged since the first day; Kirito merely shook his head, gathering his thoughts, "Well what it's worth from me, it looks great on you" he said, his voice returning to it's usual pitch and composure, Yuuki's face once again turned, this time to surprise before a light blush colored her cheeks, his face also was awash with crimson as he realized what he had just said, after a few seconds of silence Yuuki uttered a quiet "Thank you" before hastily changing the subject; 

"Knowing you, you've been out here all day huh?" she questioned her checks slowly returning to their normal pigment, Kirito snapped out of his haze and glance at the clock to the right of his vision, "Looks like I have been here since 6'" he replied, slightly surprised at the rate time had passed, "I should really look for an Inn" he said remembering that he had made no prior arrangements. Yuuki smiled once more, "You should come with me, I came across a village a ways back, looks kinda small but from what I saw it seemed to have an inn." Kirito smiled, "Lead the way" he replied and set off after the girl. 

"Welcome to QROW" Yuuki read from the sign, they had arrived after a hours walk, the town in question was small and rustic, with narrow cobbled streets that snaked their way through the small buildings as smoke rose from chimneys dotted atop them, locals busying themselves with whatever pre-programmed tasks the Cardinal System had assigned to them; "There's your inn" said Kirito his eyes darting to a petite building along the uneven path, "If it qualifies as one." The pair made their way inside with Yuuki striding up to the front desk to order two rooms with Kirito collapsing into one of the cushioned chairs in the lobby and slumped, he looked up on Yuuki return and was confused by her expression, her face was beet red and bore the markings of embarrassment. "So, did you get them?" Kirito questioned one eyebrow-raising at the girls odd expression, "He said there is only ONE available" she blurted out her face turning a darker shade of red as she did, he was stunned for a moment before his face turned scarlet to mirror Yuuki's "T-that's fine" he assured her, trying to keep his voice steady, "I'll just sleep on the floor or something" Yuuki nodded her face still beet red the two then left for the room.   

Yuuki sat on the bed in her nightgown as Kirito came out the bathroom, dressed in black sleepwear, despite her protests he insisted on giving the bed to her apparently resolute with sleeping on the floor, even still an idea popped into her head as Kirito entered the room that once again brought a furious flush to his face, not looking directly at him she spoke "K-kirito?" she hesitated, continuing as he glanced over at her. "This bed is plenty big enough for the both of us" she said her face ever growing more colored "I mean w-we can each have a side and still have plenty of room" she finished gesturing to the king sized bed that seemed to fill half the small room; Kirito's face once again mirrored Yuuki's as he hesitantly answered "A-are you sure?" Yuuki just nodded and moved to one side of the bed, climbing under the covers as she did, after a moment of further hesitation he climbed into the other side of the large bed; True to Yuuki's word the bed still allowed for a large gap between its occupants, Kirito was about to drift off until he felt Yuuki shaking under the bedclothes. "Yuuki are you ok?" he immediately asked his concern growing for his companion, "I'm kinda cold" Yuuki replied her tone quiet, "Can I-" she stopped seemingly trying to find the right words "Can I move closer?" she finally said her voice even quieter, Kirito answered after a moment to gather himself, "Of-of course" he murmured back, his tone equally as muted. Slowly Yuuki shifted herself towards him her head resting on his chest and the rest of her body curling up, Kirito's heart raced and he hesitantly asked "T-that better?" she simply let out a "Mmm" before closing her eyes, Kirito cautiously draped an arm over her hips before leaning his head against hers and closing his eyes. Both Yuuki and Kirito fell asleep with smiles on their lips. 

To be continued. (Updated once/twice a week with mini-chapters to  be sprinkled around) 

(Edit 22/12/17) Fixed Grammar Issues. 

Huh, I really didn't stick to that schedule did I?

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