Chapter Eight: Old Wounds

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"Hmph" The scarlet clad warrior gave a snort of evident amusement at the Swordsman's aggressive response. "I sense a certain amount of animosity Kirito." The guild leaders thin, cracked lips twisted into a thin, unsettling smirk, "Last time I checked we were allies" he chuckled softly at the growing darkness on the warrior's face and the ever mounting unease of his female companion; "Yuuki was it?" Heathcliff turned his attention to her, clearly satisfied for the time with Kirito. "Yes" came Yuuki's monotone reply, concern for her partner now replaced with a smoldering anger, "I'm surprised you remember, you haven't the best track record for combing over and remembering the fine details" her crimson eyes narrowed at the former raid leader as he dismissively waved a single gloved hand. "All dealt with" he said flatly, the thin smirk now absent from his gaunt face, "However i'm afraid the restructuring  cost us valuable time and ground, a damn shame rea-." Kirito finally spoke, cutting off the guild leader, "Why are you  back?" he demanded his voice grave and wavering with barley contained fury, "You and your men have no place here, despite your apparent "restructuring." he took a moment to compose himself, sorrow now weighing down his voice alongside fury, "You failed us, me, Yuuki, the others who suffered and h-her." he finished, his voice significantly softer, Yuuki silently pulled his hand into her own as a tremor ran through him; "Stay away from me, Yuuki and any other clearers" his resolve strengthened with Yuuki's comfort, "You've done enough damage as is" as he finished he turned, and with Yuuki began the long trek back to the teleport gate. Healthcliff watched them go, his hand clenched into a tight fist, "We'll see, we will see." He scowled darkly at the two departing figures.

Aincrad: Floor 64, Village of QROW.  

"Fuck!" Yuuki slammed her open palm down onto the marble topped counter, beads of sweat rolling down from beneath the lilac bangs that clung wetly to her pale face, she groaned as another wave of debilitating pain assaulted her and through the haze she was fleetingly thankful for the running shower that muffled her cries. As her nerves lit up once more in an agonizing symphony she sank to the ebony tiled floor of the bathroom, her joints finally giving into the brutal assault. She whimpered softly as her cherry eyes swam with hot, salted tears, her body lit up once more, her muscles instinctively tightened as pain reared from her joints, "I-I N-need" she tried weakly to activate the menu and get to the message window but she slumped as embers erupted once more from her arm. The ceaseless flames finally engulfed her mind and she slipped into unconsciousness... 


"Look at her!" Yuuki shrunk away from the voices, the leering faces they were attached to, hot tears streamed down her cheeks as she cowered, backed into a corner, "Aww, is Baby Yuuki crying for Mummy and Daddy?" Yuuki started to sniffle at the mention of her departed parents, fresh tears joining the ones already present on the five year old's face; A rough hand came down fast and hard, slapping the girl across her sunken cheeks knocking her sideways into the wall, her head hit the plaster with a resounding crack. She began to bawl much to the amusement of the older children; "Well stop your whining!" one sneered, her face hidden in the shadow of the dimly lit room, "They're DEAD!" she bellowed the last word into Yuuki's face, fine spittle spraying the younger girl; Yuuki sprang up and tried in vain to run, determined to break free of the taunts and jeers if only for a moment, she only got a few, short paces before the bat slammed into the back of her knees with the force of a freight train; As the feeble light slipped from her eyes only the chant broke through the enclosing cloud enveloping in her mind. "YUUKI, YUUKI, YUUKI, YU- 

Present Day: 

"YUUKI!" Yuuki slowly opened her eyes, the harsh glow of the neon light above them causing her to grimace. She briefly pondered on her surroundings before the answer was dredged from her still sluggish mind, "Bathroom" and... "K-Kirito?" she mumbled, suddenly  aware of her current situation; Kirito held her in his trembling arms, her own head tucked close to his chest and the ceaseless pounding of the shower providing a repetitive soundtrack of sorts. "Yu- I-" Kirito's voice was feeble and broken akin to shattered glass, he pulled Yuuki closer still his distress evident through the gentle vibrations rocking his body. Yuuki felt something wet land and run down her cheek, tears. "H-hey" Yuuki placed a hand upon Kirito's quickly moistening cheek, "I-I'm alright, j-just a little exhausted after the raid is all." the excuse sounded limp even to her and she knew by the shaking of Kirito's head he hadn't bought it either. "Don't lie Yuuki" he choked, tears still running in a ceaseless stream down his face, "Please just tell me whats going on, you haven't been fine since we came back." He pulled her into an embrace, "I love you Yu." Yuuki breathed deeply, various emotions flashing through her, "O-Okay, just please promise something." she whispered, tears pooling at the corners of her own eyes. Kirito's gaze met her's, Onyx met Scarlet once more, "Stay with me." she closed her eyes and collapsed back against his chest, she felt Kirito place a loving hand on her damp hair and knew his answer before the words left his lips, "Always." 

Yuuki inhaled deeply, and finally looked up to her partner who was sitting on the opposite side of the bed. She gradually swept over the now familiar features, raven hair, large onyx orbs and a mouth currently twisted into a look of the deepest concern. She looked down into her lap as she prepared to speak, almost surprised to remember that she was still only wrapped in a bath towel, "enough stalling" she thought. "I've never discussed my parents with you have I?" Yuuki looked back up at Kirito as she began, his face immediately alert, scanning her own; "No..." came his reply, he seemed to contemplate his choice of words, "I... never wanted to push you into talking about them, I always thought there was some sort of friction between you." he seemed to divert his gaze, seemingly embarrassed. "Thank you" Yuuki uttered quietly, Kirito returned to face her, "For not pushing me, I adored my parents" she allowed herself a small if sad smile, "They were amazing, always found time for me and my sister despite how busy they were. They used to take us to the park after school and play with us, then tuck us in with a bedtime story." she let the cherished memories hang in the air for a moment before continuing, "But one day, they never picked me up from school." she remembered the long wait for her parents to arrive through the school gates, and the hope that dwindled with each passing hour, "I found out later my parents and my sister were involved in a car crash on the way to get me. They didn't make it." she dropped her watering gaze back into her lap and felt Kirito move silently and pull her into an embrace once more, "I-I was Five" she finished her voice cracking despite her best efforts. Kirito tightened his arms around her but stayed silent, soothingly stroking her lavender hair; Yuuki was grateful that he didn't attempt to verbally comfort her at that point, she wouldn't have held together if he had. She steeled herself and continued, "With no living relatives they put me into the local orphanage, I was the youngest and the only one to know their parents, and the others hated my guts for it." she paused for a moment and took a shaky breath, "At first they just ignored me, distanced themselves from me. but then..." the distant thud of a bat rang clearly through her mind,  "The beatings started, first fists and feet, later whatever they could lay their hands on." she felt Kirito's body stiffen around her and she looked up into his face, "T-They.. b-beat you?" he repeated, his eyes wide; Yuuki nodded in response, "They knew where to hit as well, knees, hips, elbows, made it more difficult to run away." she shuddered and reluctantly drew herself away from Kirito, pulling one leg atop the other. Yuuki ran her finger over the visible white lines and scores that encircled her knee and felt Kirito's eyes follow the same gruesome tapestry; "I-I n-ever noticed before, even when we..." Kirito began, his eyes beginning to fill with tears, Yuuki shook her head, "I made sure you didn't, I was worried..." she felt her own tears spill over her eyelids as she began to shake. Kirito pulled her close once more, his embrace all the more powerful, "You were worried what I would think?" he finished for her; The increased volume of her sobs answered for him, "Oh Yuuki." 

It had taken a long time for Yuuki to cry herself dry, the pent up anguish of 16 years flowing out of her in the form of hoarse sobs; Kirito held her through it all, and when she eventually grew quite he whispered the same promise he had made before the whole ordeal, "I love you Yuuki, always, no matter what." she had kissed him then, one not of lust but of a tangible love and once they eventually separated she responded to him, her voice weak from crying but her message couldn't have been clearer, "I love you too." she feel asleep soon after, still wrapped only in a towel and Kirito's arms. He made a silent promise as he listened to her soft breathing beside him, a promise not just to her but himself. "I won't ever leave your side."  


Welcome back! Hopefully you enjoyed the long awaited Chapter Eight, i'm sorry for the extended absence, i've worked out a writing schedule and should be back on track. 

Thank you for the overwhelming response and please leave and comment with your thoughts on the Chapter. 

See you in Chapter Nine! 


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