Chapter Two: Stitching the Wounds

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"Forgotten her already?" The voice sneered, disgust audible in it's words, Kirito recoiled at the words as one might to a snakes bite, sweat dripping from his raven hair and down his face, his nightclothes clung to him like chains, sodden as a result of his panic; "What has it been? A matter of months and you've already moved on" Kirito bent over the sink in the bathroom, his throat emitting a strangled groan at the voices accusations, all he could muster was a distorted and barley audible "N-n-no" before reverting to his pained moans, the voice simply snorted "That Girl-" it emphasized the word "Girl" as if talking of a foul creature of the night, "-In the bed next door would lead me to think otherwise." Kirito froze at that, his sounds of distress coming to an abrupt halt, he stared wide eyed at the bottom if the sink for minutes before tears started rolling down his paled cheeks, his slender frame started to shake with sobs; The voice seemed to pay to attention to this and continued in a mocking jubilant tone, "You've fallen for her haven't you?" Kirito's following silence all but confirmed it's suspicions, "Asuna was just a throwaway then?" Kirito seemingly choked at that, his eyes widening, "A disposable item" he gasped for air, bile rushing up his throat, "A spare" Kirito eyes rolled up as the voice uttered it's final statement, his knees buckled beneath him and he fell forward, his head striking the sink with a sickening crack before he finally fell to the floor, landing heavily on his back, he was vaguely aware of a shout from the next room as his consciousness dimmed and the voice retreated to the back of his mind. 

"KIRITO" a voice cut through the darkened haze that clouded his mind, he stirred his eyes slowly opened, before quickly shutting again after being assaulted by the harsh neon strip above, carefully opening them once again he was greeted by the sight of Yuuki, her eyes were full of tears and her expression was strained with unconditional worry, a jubilant fire seemed to ignite in his chest at the sight of her face, it's embers were quickly extinguished however by the memories of the voices words that floated back into his conscious, "A Spare " he once again choked at the words, Yuuki's eyes filling with fresh tears as he quivered in her arms, "Kiri-" she began but was quickly cut short by him standing suddenly, his eyes seemingly blank, she rose slowly standing in front of him; "Kirito I think you need to rest," she said voice still tainted with concern "You hit your head pretty hard," she glanced at the sink before continuing "Wha-What happened anyway, I heard you moaning, it sounded like you were in pain" he looked down at himself, seeing his sweat stained clothes he grunted, "Yuuki can you leave, I need to change" he said his voice monotone and emotionless as he seemingly ignored her question, she took a step back, eyes widening she hadn't heard his voice become so flat  since- "Kirito are you sure you oka-" she started "Yuuki!" he cut her off, something in his tone made her take another step back, he sounded... Angry, she quickly nodded and left the bathroom, her eyes filling with fresh tears. 

Yuuki sat down on the bed in confusion and shock, "Why is he angry, more to the point why is he angry at me?" she murmured to herself, her mind racing to find the most likely possibility, and slowly drifted back to the night before, with her curling into him and him wrapping an arm around her hips in response... she cut off her train of thought as she felt her face heat up, shaking her head she composed herself, "That couldn't have been it right?" she said her eyes widening, "He definitely said it was O.K for me to come closer." she finally rejected the possibility and allowed her face to return to its usual up-beat expression, "Whatever the reason i'll help him through it that's what friends do right?" her expression flickered to surprise at how hard it had been to force out that word. 

Kirito emerged from the bathroom after half an hour, his hair still wet and slicked back from his shower, he had already equipped his combat outfit much to Yuuki's surprise, as they had made arrangements the day before to go and purchase Kirito some much need clothes seeing as he had donned one set the entire time Yuuki had known him, he had only agreed after she had offered to buy him lunch and even then it had been a struggle. "I thought you agreed we were going into town to buy you some clothes" she gestured to her own attire as she spoke, "so why the usual combat digs and the sword" she continued, her finger indicating the offending items; Kirito stayed silent for a moment, fiddling with his inventory before closing it and stating bluntly "Change of plans, i'm going to continue with the labyrinth" he reopened the window equipping his leather trench coat, "I'm not stopping you going into town." he finished playing with the window and made for the door, she called after him as he walked away, her voice cracking with desperation despite her best efforts, "I-I want- wanted" her voice wavered as she went on "I wanted to go wit-with you" she finished her eyes shining, he barley registered her words as he answered "Sorry to disappoint" his voice remaining the same expressionless, pitiless pitch as he strode out the door closing it, it slammed shut with a mundane finality, Yuuki simply stared at seemingly nothing for a time but gradually her face crumpled and her eyes screwed up as she wept, her pained cries ringing around the small room. 

He glanced at his surroundings, the last of the light blue particles vanishing as he stood, a message appeared "Welcome to Floor 55, Granzam" he dismissed the pop-up with a swipe of his gloved hand, he slowly stepped off the marble plinth that housed the teleport gate, his feet moving in a seemingly autonomous fashion as he traversed the swept pathways of the densely populated city, he continued until reaching his destination, looking up he took in the once familiar spires of the Steel Tower that the Knights of the Blood Oath called home; He braced himself as he walked though the perimeter gate, his eyes darting towards the uniform clad guards who dutifully nodded their heads  as he passed, his pace quickened as he strode towards his destination, a seemingly unassuming Oak Tree in the corner of the grass plains that surrounded the tower, he stopped his advance and stared down towards the base of the tree, a small plaque sitting among it's roots; Text was carved onto the granite surface, the letters sweeping into one another to form the words that he himself had chosen: Asuna Yuuki: Thus I peacefully I sleep. The words seemed so inadequate to him as he knelt before the headstone, his mind blank to everything except a raging sense of grief and despair, his eyes began to water as he began to speak, "I-I'm s-so sorry A-asuna" his tears flowing faster at his mention of the name, "I shouldn't have fallen for her as I did" his mind drifted back to Yuuki as he spoke, the memory of the girl further paining him, he stopped attempting to speak then and allowed himself to become engulfed in his sorrow, pained gasps exiting his ragged throat; he stayed hunched for sometime, his body being rocked by wave after wave of tears, "Your a fool" a voice once again penetrate his mind, he sat upright his eyes fixed on the tombstone in suprise, the voice was not the same as before, in place of the mocking, disgusted tone was one of a stern and authoritative nature, but was soft and comforting at the same time, it continued, "Have you forgotten the promise you made, we both made?" 


Asuna slowly broke off the kiss as she opened her hazel eyes to meet Kirito's charcoal ones, her smile still beaming as she glanced at the golden jewelry that adorned the couples ring fingers, "I love you Kirito-kun" she whispered as she was drawn into his tight embrace, her head resting on his shoulder, he chuckled softly, stroking her chestnut tinted hair "I love you too" he murmured back his head resting atop hers, they stayed like that for long, blissful moments before Asuna suddenly broke off once again, her tone now a commanding one as she spoke once more, a passionate fire igniting in her eyes, "I want you to promise me something" she locked eyes once again with her Husband, Hazel into Black, "If something happens to one of us", she grabbed his hand as she continued "I wan't you to promise to move on, to not sit and mourn for the rest of your life." Kirito pulled back slightly his eyes wide with confusion, "Asuna where is this coming fro-?" "Promise me" she said with conviction, her eyes never leaving his, he relaxed slightly a smile coming to his lips, "Only if you do" she simply nodded in return and drew their lips together once more. 

:End of Flashback:

Kirito's eyes grew wide as he recalled the promise he had made to Asuna on the balcony of their house on the 22nd Floor as those months ago, a promise to continue living for the sake of the other, a wavering smiled came to his lips as he brushed away his tears, he stood his eyes looking back at the tombstone, "Thank you Asuna" he stood and turned, his feet moving quickly as he remembered the muffled cry of anguish from earlier in the day, the anguish he had caused, he open the menu finding Yuuki's name and sending her a message, it was time for him to move on.

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