Important Update (Future Sequel Plans and more!)

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First off, thank you for the continuing growth of this story, it's still humbling each time a new view is added to the ever-growing count and I am forever grateful for the support. 

And for those who don't know already, I'm in the middle of writing a remastered and significantly improved version of this story over on called 'Duet of Twin Blades.'  The remastered Chapters 1-4 are already available and I'm aiming for weekly updates... after my job calms it's shit and I have free time to write again.

Please give it a read, it is leagues better than this original version and I have been putting a stupidly long amount of time painstakingly remastering/rewriting each chapter so they are actually something I can be proud of. Leading on from that, onto the meat and potatoes of this update... 

The Sequel

Yes, I haven't forgotten, the sequel will happen, just not in the way I was originally planning. The new sequel will follow the slightly modified events of the remaster so be sure read it beforehand. As for the actual story, it's a tad more complex; I'm going to be utilizing ALO but the Fairy Dance Arc is being thrown out the proverbial window. I have an idea for a more ALO/IRL split story, with Yuuki's troubled background being the main focus and the duo's attempts to overcome the challenges it presents to them. 

All that being said, the sequel is a fair ways off, the remaster is my main focus at the moment and it will be until I've written the final chapter. Please send in your feedback on how to improve it and ideas for the eventual sequel. 

And with that, I must wrap this up. 

Till' next time!



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