Chapter Six: The Next Step (Lemon Warning)

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(2 Weeks after Chapter Fives End)  

Aincrad, Floor 71: Labyrinth 6:30 AST (Aincrad Standard Time) 

"Faster!" The aubergine coloured  blade followed the request, issuing another series of ever accelerating strikes to the level forty Frost Bone mob, it's skeletal frame becoming raked with crimson lines, with a low growl the ailing creature reared it's arm back preparing to strike with it's own weapon before being met with another round of devastating attacks, it's opponents blade seeming to become a blur of frenzied movement with it's wielder issuing a battle cry to match the mobs own, the swordswoman swung her weapon in a surgically precise arc, the blade now issuing a bright lilac hue as if set alight and cleaved deep into the Frost Bones chest for the final time promoting the monsters form to deteriorate into the familiar particles which framed the girl briefly before dissipating as rapidly as they had appeared. Yuuki glanced down at the weapon she wielded, it's polished surface staring back at her, Absolute Sword was the name Cardinal had issued Yuuki's side arm upon her obtaining it after achieving a last hit bonus and it seemed a perfect fit for the elegant yet incredibly deadly weapon; The sword had been Yuuki's primary weapon during the clearing of Floor 71, making short work of the many field mobs present in the heavily forested level, often requiring no more than a few well placed strikes in the hand of Yuuki to wipe out even the highest level of them, Yuuki was shaken out of her thoughts as a sound like shattering glass issued from behind her, turning she saw Kirito sheathing his own weapon, the same particles of light shrouding him. "Beat me to it again huh?" Kirito said, a warm smile on his face, "I'm barley able to keep up now, you've really meshed with that sword haven't you?" Yuuki glanced back down to the blade in her pale right hand, "Yeah! It's way more accurate than my previous sword and far more powerful, if I didn't know any better I'd say it even surpasses your dear Elucidator." Yuuki's face took on a teasing grin as she pointed at the black scabbard hanging from her partners back, "It's practically useless now... I'm sure Agil would take it off your hands as scrap" she moved towards him, putting her arm out as if to reach for the sheathed weapon, Kirito smile had vanished, his eyes wide with undisguised fear at the prospect of his cherished sword being reduced to it's components, "I-I-I c-couldn't, you know I couldn't do that!" Replacing his sword? The mere thought terrified him far more than any boss or player, despite his reluctance to admit it the sword almost second lover to him, it's blade having carved through more threats than any other he had gained possession of, he tried to swallow the lump in his throat as Yuuki's hand retracted from the sheath pulling the Ebony Weapon along with it, her hand free hand trailing down it's length; "Y-Y-Yuuki P-please give my sword back." Kirito's voice was small his expression changing to one of desperation as he watched the Warrior caresses his side arm, her hand stopped it's teasing movements and she began to shake, her laughter echoing around the enclosed Labyrinth as tears dripped from her closed eyes, she gradually composed herself and stood, wiping any trailing tears from her face she looked back at her lover, giggles still escaping her, "Your so adorable Ki', as if I'd make you get rid of your sword!" her laughter started once again as she saw the evident relief wash over his face, "Love you Ki'" she planted a kiss on his quickly reddening cheek as she handed back his prized sword, "Please don't do that to me Yuuki" he mimed grabbing his chest, "It isn't good for my heart." Yuuki giggled once again before pulling him into an embrace, "How about I make it up to you, we've been here all day clearing why don't we grab some dinner back in Qrow?" Kirito's smile returned and he gently planted a kiss on Yuuki's head, "I'd love too, but don't you pull what you did the last time we went out for a meal, I'm paying." he moved his gloved finger to cover Yuuki's lips as she began to protest, "You do enough for me Yuuki, atleast let me treat  you with dinner." Kirito felt Yuuki let out a defeated sigh as she stepped away from the warm embrace, "Fine, just don't overspend ok?" Kirito simply chuckled and pulled Yuuki's hand into his own, "I promise, now shall we get going?" Yuuki's grin returned as the two began the long walk to Labyrinths opening. 

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