Chapter Four: Blossoming

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"Adorable" such a simple and overused term, yet it was all Kirito could think of as he stared at the still sleeping form beside him, Yuuki was tucked against him her head resting on his chest and her petite frame curled in the fetal position close to his, her eyes were closed and lavender hair was splayed across the surrounding bed, he shifted slightly a soft mumble of irritation came from her as a result, he chuckled quietly to himself at her childish actions and began to try to shift away from her, gently lifting her head from his chest he placed it gently back down on her pillow he shifted to the edge of the double bed and slowly stood up, careful not to wake her as he did. A smile came to his face as he glanced back at his sleeping lover her expression one of peace, sitting back down on the bed he gently stroked the side of her face a smile coming to her face as her eyelids fluttered open and her scarlet eyes locked onto his features before uttering a small yawn, "Morning Ki" she murmured, her voice still tainted with sleep, he chuckled once again before replying, "Morning Yuuki, I was going to get us some breakfast want anything?" Yuuki yawned once again, she sat up the bed covers still draped across her shoulders, "Sure, just don't take too long." Kirito stood once more, planting a quick kiss on Yuuki's forehead as he did, his face taking on a confused expression as Yuuki started laughing, "W-what?" he said his confusion only growing as she continued to giggle, eventually she replied "Your going out like that?" her finger gesturing to his chest her eyes following, he looked down at himself, realizing he had forgotten that he had slept in his underwear the night before, a blush rose to his face as he remembered and saw Yuuki's crimson eyes still running down his body; Hastily swiping his hand through the air he opened the menu with it's familiar jingle and reequipped his usual T-shirt and jeans, Yuuki giggled at his flustered actions and flopped back down onto the bed with an animated huff and pulled the covers over herself once again, Kirito grinned and walked towards the door on the opposite side of the rented room, moving to open the door he turned as a muffled voice called out to him, "Love you." Kirito chuckled once again, "Love you too Yuuki." he exited the room, a smile on his lips.  

Yuuki fluttered awake at the squeak of a door opening, looking over she saw Kirito standing in the open doorway, his arms full of various bags and containers, her face broke into a wide grin and she hastily got out of bed to help him with the many items he carried. "Jezz Ki', did you buy most of the food market?" he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "Well.. I couldn't quite remember what you liked so..." he trailed off as Yuuki finished for him, her voice dropping to a teasing tone "So you decided the most rational thing was to buy one of everything." she laughed once more at his defeated expression, "That was really sweet of you, thank you." she pulled him into a tight embrace and gently pushed her lips against his, he returned the embrace going to wrap his arms around her back before quickly retracting them, she pulled away from him her expression one of concern as she saw the vivid blush that had consumed his face. "Wh-what's wrong, did I do something wrong?" hurt visibly joined the concern already displayed, "No, no nothing at all!" Kirito shook his head violently his voice rising in pitch, "I-I-It's just that I noticed your current attire." his eyes moved down at the same time at hers, Yuuki's face erupted into a furious blush as she saw she was still in her underwear, she was about to make a quick escape to the bathroom but a very devious thought stopped her, fighting her blush off she faced him again, pulling him close once more to whisper in a husky voice in his ear, "Eyes above the neck... for now anyways." she felt a light tremor run through his body at her words and smirked in satisfaction, pulling away and speaking once again, her voice completely absent of the alluring tone from before, "So, are you going to get the food out or what, I'm starving!" she flashed her trademark smile once again at the still frozen Kirito and he hastily replied, "S-sure." and began placing the various items on the bed. 

"Ah!," Yuuki flopped back onto the bed, a content expression on her face, "Breakfast was amazing thanks Kirito." she put her hands behind her head and one leg atop the other, "So anyways do you think we should get back to the Labyrinth soon?" she questioned her voice bleak at the mention of returning to the front lines, she craned her head to look at him as he failed to answer, he was sitting at the edge of the bed, his eyes trained intently on her, but as she quickly noted, his eyes were defiantly not taking in her face, she abruptly sat up and stared at him her eyes challenging him to speak up for himself, coming out of his daze Kirito's face contorted in horror at Yuuki who calmly grasped his shirt collar and pulled him towards her with surprising force, his face coming to rest a few centimeters from her's; "K.i.r.i.t.o" he gulped at her tone of voice, to the average person it would have seemed like a cheerful one but Kirito knew Yuuki too well and sensed the danger behind the innocent tone; "What were you staring at?" she questioned her tone seeming to grow more cheerful, only deepening Kirito's fear, "I-I'm sorry Yuuki!" he saw no reason to try and lie, his punishment would only be harsher if he did, Yuuki tugged him closer still and whispered in his ear, the husky tone returning once more, "Maybe I was being a little harsh before..." she pulled him closer still, "I don't mind" she broke away before pulling back into a deep kiss knocking whatever reply he had conjured out of his mind, she broke away again, grinning and strolled to bathroom blowing a exaggerated kiss at him as she entered the room. Kirito could only stare dumbfounded. 

(A/N) Well there's Chapter 4, Yuuki has really got Kirito wrapped around her little finger at this stage! The next Chapter will arrive sometime next week, thank you for all the attention this story has been receiving and please drop a comment with feedback and/or suggestions. 



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