Chapter Five: Absolute Sword

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(Two Months After Chapter Four's End) 

Aincrad, Floor 70: Boss Room 2:34 AST (Aincrad Standard Time) 

"Switch!"  Kirito quickly heeded Yuuki's call and moved to one side of her incoming attack, landing on the floor of the boss room his muscles locked into position as the 3 second Sword Skill cool down timer began, Kirito craned his neck to watch Yuuki's Sword Skill make contact with one of the three heads of the King Taijitu, the piercing purple light first slashing a long vertical line down it's front before Yuuki launched back into the air, her blade issuing a series of lightning fast scores over the bosses domed head, pulling her blade back she sprang forward once again a piercing cry emanating from her throat as she thrust the blazing Longsword deep into it's middle head, the last of the three bars of the Taijitu's health emptied and with a final hiss the snakes heads reared back as it burst into a cloud of particles that illuminated the sparsely lit dungeon. Yuuki dropped back to the ground, her sword's purple hue fading back to it's normal silver as the cooldown timer finished, a thunderous cheer erupted from the 40 players in the boss room as the game displayed the traditional "Congratulations!" Pop-up before dispersing into individual windows displaying to each player the XP and Col gained from the Boss Fight; Yuuki quickly dismissed her own window and ran at Kirito, tackling him to the ground in a tight embrace as she laughed he returned the embrace, his own face split into a jubilant grin, "That was something!" he said his words directed at Yuuki's face hovering above his, she giggled again at his praise and pushed her lips to his before raising herself on her arms to look at him, "I only got that hit in because of you, Ki'" she dropped back down onto his chest her breathing heavy from the strain from the boss fight. Kirito raised a hand and placed it on the back of her head smiling, "Any rare drops Yu' or just the usual?" she groaned and rolled off him, raising into a sitting position before tracing her fingers through the air in the familiar pattern to access her menu, her eyes focusing on her Inventory. "Not much, a few maces from the sentinels, a couple of chestplates, the usual Col and..." she trailed off as her eyes widened at the bottom of her Inventory, "And a last hit bonus" Kirito immediately sat up at her words, "Anything good?" Yuuki shrugged before tapping the Inventory slot issuing a yelp as a heavy weight dropped into her lap; The Sword was long and sleek, it's blade a dark violet, the colour extending down to the slender grip and pummel at the base of the weapon, Yuuki's ran a finger down it's length before grasping the hilt and lifting it, the sword was not so different to her current weapon of choice but seemed to have a defined balance and sense of power that was absent from her previous sidearm, she stood up and gave the blade a tentative swing, followed by a series of progressively more aggressive swipes. Yuuki smiled widely at the weapon and opened a smaller tab to the usual inventory which brought up the Weapons info, the blades unique name was inscribed across the top of the window, "Absolute Sword." 

"Urgh" Yuuki grimaced as she sat down on the corner of the bed, the pain across her back and hips flared, despite her constant reassurance to Kirito the boss fight had  taken it's toll on the Crimson eyed warrior even with the many protective layers of her combat outfit removed, leaving her only in her undergarments, the weight that seemed to put unbearable strain on her joints and ligaments hadn't ceased to create further pain. She let out a low whining sound as she lowered herself onto her back and shifted further onto the bed, moving to her side, her eyes scrunched tight at the continued pain, her eyes opened when she felt Kirito's hand gently rest on her own. "It's happening again isn't it?" Kirito murmured to her, his hand moving to gently stroke her lavender hair as he moved to cradle her carefully embracing her, she simply nodded knowing full well what he was referring to; Yuuki had begun to experience intense pain after heavy combat ever since the 67th floor boss had been cleared, the sensation only seemed to increase in intensity everytime she engaged in combat and left her immobile for many hours after. Yuuki cried out as another wave of agony assaulted her from her hips as she attempted to shift her legs on the bed and burrowed her face deeper into Kirito's bare chest as she convulsed he tightened his arms around her as she whimpered, a thought coming into his head he gently removed his hand from her hair and placed it on one of her bare hips and gently began to move his thumb in a circular motion over the joint; Yuuki's eyes widened at the sudden relief brought by his actions and her body began to loosen as the pain ebbed from the joint, her flash of embarrassment at where his hand was resting quickly extinguished by the comfort it gave her. She kissed him the pain continuing to exit her body, she pulled away from his lips and smiled at him, "Thank you" she mumbled, as he began to massage the opposite the other hip the same time his movements caused a crimson blush to rise to her face as she realized the pain was quickly being replaced with a different emotion altogether. Yuuki nestled her face into his neck and let out a low moan, Kirito immediately stopped massaging her hips in concern and pulled her pale shoulders back so he could face her, "A-am I hurting you?" he questioned, black eyes wide with fear, Yuuki violently shook her scarlet face, "N-n-no it's just... p-please don't stop." Kirito's eyes grew wider still, but he began to move his hands again as more muted moans left Yuuki's mouth, her own hands gripped his hair tightly as he did, he moved his mouth close to her ear muttering to her, "Don't you think we should wait until your sure the pain has gone?" he nibbled on her ear lobe tentatively causing her to utter a quite squeak, "I don't want you in pain, Yu'." Yuuki seemed to stop and contemplate for a moment before returning his gaze, "Y-yeah" she removed her slender hands from his raven hair and pulled him into a hug which he returned, lifting his hands from her hips, "I'm not entirely sure it's completely gone." She wiggled her hips as the words left her mouth finding the pain severely reduced but not fully absent, she looked back at Kirito in surprise as he let out a moan of his own before remembering she was still seated in his lap, "S-s-sorry!" she yelped quickly ceasing to move her hips, he simply chuckled and once again moved close to her ear, whispering in a husky, coarse tone not dissimilar to her own which she had used to try and tease him a number of times, "It wasn't unpleasant Yuuki, quite the opposite." she shivered at his words and pulled him into a rough, passionate kiss to which they only parted once the urge to breath became to great; Smiling at her he collapsed onto his back and the bed pulling her with him, gently stroking her cheek, "Night Yu'"he murmured she wrapped her arms around him, "Night Ki'" the two then fell into a deep, blissful sleep. 

(A/N) Finally! I've got around to writing this chapter and I'm actually very happy with how it turned out, and before you ask i'm well aware Yuuki's sword does not have an official name and that "Absolute Sword" is simply her title however I wanted the sword to have a name in this story due to it's importance in coming chapters and "Absolute Sword" seemed a good fit; It's very likely a Lemon will be featured next chapter, that was one of the reasons the time skip was implemented I wanted a decent amount of time to have passed in their relationship before reaching that point and two months seemed a reasonable time based off my own experience.

That Aside... 

THANK YOU for over 100 reads! Words can't describe how thankful I am to each and every one of you for your continued support, you reading spurs me to continue writing each chapter, without you this story wouldn't exist. 


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