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She walked throught the halls of the facility, bare feet smacking the ground with an angry force.

Seven was not happy.

She was lost, and adding up on that, she had no clue where she was! She had just been tucked into bed at her house, and then she was suddenly here? That was enough to make any person confused, in general.

Two extremely fit guards rushed at her, but she merely put a hand up and they both flew back, denting the flawless walls. Seven realized that the end of the hallway was dark, so she ran quicker. Just as she reached it, everything went bright.

And she woke up.

"Good morning Seven!"

The girl sat up, rubbing her eyes. She yawned, and was slightly angry that she was having to wake up and leave the warm safe haven of the space under the covers. Her golden hair was messy and piled carelessly on top of her head in what was once a bun, and her eyes were squinted tiredly. Joyce laughed a bit and the frenzied appearance of her daughter and said,

"Go ahead and get ready, I let you sleep five minutes extra. Breakfast'll be ready in the dining room."

Joyce walked out of the room, energized, as usual. Seven slid out of bed, and just layed on the scratchy carpet for a couple minutes, contemplating the room. There were boxes of Johnathan's old stuff, that they were going to move to the guest room since he decided to let his little sister have the room with more space.

She had been living in the guest room, but when Johnathan had decided to fork up his room, Joyce decided to let her take Johnathan's old room, since it was bigger and overall a better living space. Jonathan had agreed to stay in the guest room. After all, she had been living with the Byers for seven years, and was legally a Byers.

She got up, and opened the yellow curtains, allowing the bright sun to shine into her face. It was brighter than Seven expected, so she recoiled and forgot the window-curtain-opening endeavor. 

She had accumulated many things over the years that she had lived in Hawkins, from hairbands to books to action figures.

She brushed out her hair and put it into a ponytail, not bothering to do the fancy stuff.

Seven ran out of her room, shutting the door behind her. Her stomach was growling and she was absolutely famished.

She had also been in school for those seven years. During her kindergarten year, she was put into the pre-k3 grade. But by the time first grade rolled around though, she was on track and put into the same grade as the boys. They called her Sev and Sev only, so that was her 'name'. Sev Byers.

Anyway, when Seven walKed into the dining room, she walked in to see a plate of yellow-golden waffles and a syrup bottle. Will was sitting at the table with a box of crayons, and a pencil. He was sketching a very good looking picture that could be one of those dramatic movie posters, where it centers on the characters.

"'That the D&D party?"

She asked, pulling up a chair by her brother. Joyce gave Seven the same birthday as Will, so the kids at school thought they were twins, and that Sev had been living with her dad and came back to Hawkins.

"You bet. I'm drawing your sorcereress right now."

"Where's Mike?"

Mike. He was a brilliant at subject, to seven at least. 

"Oh, he's the dungeon master, as you know-"


"Let me talk, Sev! He'd be the narrator if this was a movie."

Stranger Seven (Mike Wheeler)Where stories live. Discover now