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Seven had biked to school with Mike the next day, since Nancy thought it was okay for him to go to school. There were a few bruises, but Nancy covered them up with an amazing foundation job.

The AV club  was sitting in science class when something they never would've expected happened. 

Seven was tapping her pencil on her desk while Mr. Clarke went over the possibilities of superpowers, like telekenisis. It was very ironic, since she had telekinesis herself. Of course, she had already had this lecture tons and tons of times, from papa. She could remember it, although it was tons of years ago. She stared at the clock, listening to the ticking noise. Mike was behind her, engrossed in Mr. Clarke's speech. He was wearing a striped shirt and jeans, as usual.

"So, how would this be scientifically possible. Oh, Mr. Byers?"

Seven looked to Will, who raised his hand. He did know about her powers. She looked down to the silver bangle that rested on her wrist, covering up the little tattoo. Seven then looked back to him, as he spoke his answer.

"Well, say someone was born with... the telekenitic abilities?"

"Interesting theory, further explanation?"

"Sure. Like... they're mom had some type of weird drug that messed up the baby?"

Seven wondered if this was the case with her mother, and looked to see Mr. Clarke's reaction.

"Very creative. Anyways.... if..."

And he kept talking. Seven glanced back at Mike, who was still very interested. She plopped her head down on the desk and sighed. Mr. Clarke ovbiously heard this and called her out,

"Sev, so do you think a person has to have a certain type of mind to be telekinetic?"

"Er... no Mr. Clarke." She muttered, picking her head up. Troy and James were snickering, and she could feel her friends anger at them and sympathy for her. Sympathy made the air feel like honey, sweet but very slowly flowing.

"Why not?"

"Well, I guess that anyone could gain telekenisis- suppose it is real- through... uh... proper treatment."

"Very nice. You may take a seat."

She sat down quickly, and right as she did, the town's police chief, Jim Hopper, barged in.

"Excuse me, but I need Sev Byers, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, and Lucas Sinclair."

All of them looked at him confusedly, and Mr. Clarke gave them permission to go. The chief led them to the office, where they all squeezed in on one couch, Mike and Sev in the middle.

"Alright, I've come to tell you that Will Byers did not show up at home last night, and has not been seen in town. We have conducted a thorough report, and results are... he's missing."

Seven's eyes widened to the size of plates, and Mike's jaw dropped. Dustin started mumbling a certain curse word, and Lucas massaged his temples worriedly.

"can anyone tell me-"

All the boys started talking at once. Seven closed her eyes and leant her head back frustratedly.

"Okay, Okay, okay, one at a time, alright, you."

He pointed to Seven, who took a deep breath before saying

"well every night we bike home, except for when..."

"Alright, what does he take to get home? You."

He pointed to Mike.


"you said he takes what?"

Stranger Seven (Mike Wheeler)Where stories live. Discover now