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The girl sat on the couch, breathing heavily. Her shaved head glinted with water, and all the boys and seven were lined up across the table in front of her. Mike had given him his jacket, disapprovingly to Seven. The shaved-head girl was wearing a massive yellow Benny's shirt, and Seven didn't trust her at all.

"Is there a number we can call? For your parents?"

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"


"Did you run away?"

"Are you in some kind of trouble?"

"Is that blood?"

"Don't touch her, Lucas."

"So-ory, Sev!"

"Stop it you two! You're freaking her out!" Mike yelled. Seven was angry at how obsessed he was with her, and defended herself and Lucas.

"She's freaking us out!"

"I bet he's deaf." Dustin stated, abruptly cutting her off. He clapped in her face, and she flinched.

"Not deaf." Lucas said sarcastically, crossing his arms.

"Alright, that's enough, you three! She's just scared, and cold."

Thunder rumbled as Mike walked away from them and grabbed his laundry basket, pulling out a sweatshirt and sweatpants. 

Seven watched him and said dreadfully, "Don't tell me he's-" 

"He is." Lucas answered.

"God bless." She murmured, doing the sign of the cross.

Seven and Lucas muttered and whispered the whole conversation. While Mike was picking the clothes  out, the thunder struck again. The girl squeezed her eyes shut and flinched. Dustin widened his eyes and tilted his head.

"Here, these are clean! Okay?" Mike said, cutting intbeween them and handing her the clothes. She took them and examined them, bringing them up to her nose. She then slowly set them down beside her, and stood up. She took her jacket off, and begin to lift her shirt. Dustin, Lucas, and Seven all turned around, Seven yelling, oh god! Quietly. Mike rushed to the girl and said, no no no no no! Really quickly, pulling her shirt down again.

Dustin started yelling 'oh my god',  and Seven covered her eyes.

"See, over there? T-that's the bathroom. You use that to change. Privacy. Get it?"

Lucas put his hands up, back still turned, and whispered curse words about the girl while mike explained privacy. She took the clothes and walked to the bathroom. Dustin, Lucas, and Seven turned to her again, seven's arms crossed, and her brows furrowed disapprovingly. Mike followed El over, and Seven, Dustin, and Lucas began a conversation.

"He's treating her like his wife!"

"She probably will be soon." Seven scoffed, answering Dustin. She felt Mike's all-to-familiar caring mood, which she usually liked. But for some reason, this time she relented the crisp-aired feeling. 

"Jesus, Seven, grumpy much?"

She rolled her brown eyes, clenching her teeth together and looking at Mike, who was now making his way back over to them.

"This is mental." Dustin whisper-hissed,

Mike, defending the shaved-head girl said, "At least she can talk." 

"She said 'no' and 'yes, Mike." Seven said, her voice getting all airy and breathy when she mimicked the girl."Your three year old sister says more than that."

Stranger Seven (Mike Wheeler)Where stories live. Discover now