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Seven shot onto her bike, sliding down the hill. Lucas was close behind, screaming to alert Mike and Dustin. The bad men were coming. Everything El had said was coming true. Sev had the map floating in front of her face, and once she had a route planned it fluttered to the ground, only to be run over by her wheel.

She let Lucas catch up so she could hear him talking to Mike.

"Pick up you son of a b***h!" Lucas yelled at the walkie talkie. 

Seven slowly straightened out the channel with her mind, and Mike's reply came in loud and clear.

"If you can't hear us, then slow down. We can't understand you. Do you copy?"

"Yes! I copy! Do you? They know about Eleven!" Lucas screamed, as him and Sev flew into the road. "Get out of there! They know about Eleven!"

Lucas didn't realize that he was peddling for no reason, as Sev was using her powers to autopilot the bikes at a raging speed. She wasn't even tired. Sev was only quiet because she was remembering the route, and trying not to get in a wreck.

"The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me!? The bad men are coming!"

The two shot down the roads at an unbeatable pace. They were moving so fast that Sev's gold hair was flying about behind the bandana, as a wild curly mess. She took her hands off of the handlebars, and the bike kept going to Lucas's utter amazement. She then put her hair up in a pony tail and placed her hands back down.

Soon they met up with Dustin, Mike, and sadly: El.

"Sev!" Mike yelled. He hopped off of his bike to wrap her in a hug. She pushed him away icily, so he frowned and then  mounted it again.

"Where are they?" Dustin asked.

"I-I dunno!" Stammered Lucas.

"I think we lost them." The curly-haired boy sighed.

Suddenly they heard engines revving.

"Go go go go go!" Mike screamed in a shrill voice. Soon everyone began peddling. A van was about to run over Dustin, who didn't see it. Sev whipped off her bandanna, and used her powers to make it massive. Treating the bandana like a lasso, she wrapped it around the van and tossed it into the forest, people, bandana, and all.

They kept riding forward as Dustin screamed his favorite curse word. Then a van pulled up behind them, and one in front of them. Seven stopped her bike, and put a wall of strength up around her. She didn't know El was flipping the front van, and no one knew the extraordinary sight going on behind them. The van crashed into her, and exploded into a million pieces. She came out unscathed, shoooting back behind the boys.

Dr. BRENNER hopped out of the band, saw the familiar golden hair, and murmured.

"Well, well, well. Now we know where she went. Seven and Eleven, in a nutshell."

The kids rode into the old RV park. Seven saw that El was tired, and she scoffed. The girl idly wandered towards Mike and El, walking her bike.

"Holy... holy s**t! Did you see what she did with the van?" Dustin cried.

"No Dustin, we missed it." Mike said sarcastically, tending to poor, little, El.

"I mean... that was awesome!" The curly haired boy went on.

"It was awesome." Lucas agreed. Seven stayed back, and sat down so she could fiddle with her bike while her back was turned to them. But the conversation was still blaring in her ears. She was being replaced.

"Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong." Now Lucas was kissing up to the Weirdo. Wow. "I'm sorry." He said. Seven scoffed, and began silently laughing to herself. Then she felt it.

Stranger Seven (Mike Wheeler)Where stories live. Discover now