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Seven woke up to find herself wrapped in a blanket. She had a mild headache, but she didn't feel the presence of blood on her upper lip. Sev turned to see that Mike was sitting beside her with a blanket around him as well, and he saw that she was awake and smiled.



"What happened?"

"I should be asking you that."

"Well... Where's the monster?"

"Gone. El killed it."

The two went silent as their feet swung off of the ambulance. Seven looked over at the school to see that all the lights were normal. There were police cars and a school bus. 



"Do you like El?"


They went silent again, and Seven felt eyes on her.



And he hugged her. She smiled into his shoulder as the soft smell of laundry detergent filled her nose. Seven could finally breathe and stop worrying about her mom and brother, because she knew that she was safe.

"Is what you said about going back to the Lab true?"

"No..." She pulled back to look at him. "I'm staying with you."

He drew in a deep breath and leaned in. The two's lips met, and it was wonderful.

A car's wheels crunched against the gravel and the two pulled apart.

"Micheal? Micheal!'

"My mom..."

Mrs. Wheeler ran up to Mike and pulled him off of the ambulance to envelop him in a hug. Mr. Wheeler waved to Sev and she smiled awkwardly as the family embraced eachother. Mike was crying.

Seven looked off and wondered if Joyce was going to come back to get her, or Johnathan, or anyone. She didn't even care if it was Lonnie. A sign escaped her chest as she saw Lucas's mom drive off with Dustin and Lucas in the back seat, both seemingly silent.

Mrs. Wheeler pulled away from her son and saw Seven sitting on the ambulance edge, legs swinging. Her white converse were stained, and the right heel had an obvious brownish-red stain. Karen Wheeler looked at the girl and knew just what to do.

"I can give you a ride to your mother, sweetie."

Time Skip

The Byers sat by an unconscious Will, waiting for a sign of movement. No one said a word.

Until Will's eyes fluttered. Joyce, Johnathan, and Sev's faces lit up as Will's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey!" Joyce cried.

Johnathan and Sev smiled at eachother as Will smirked tiredly.

"Where... where am I?" He asked.

"You're home." Johnathan smiled.

Sev ruffled her brother's hair. "Yeah. You're safe."

"Sev. Johnathan." Will said weakly, joy evident in his voice. A tear dropped down Johnathan's face, falling off of his nose.

"That's me buddy." Johnathan smiled,

"We missed you. We really missed you." Seven said,  tears brimming in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Will asked. Seven laughed. "I'm fine. You wouldn't guess what happened."

"Johnathan has a cut." Stated Will, and Jonathan laughed.

Stranger Seven (Mike Wheeler)Where stories live. Discover now