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Seven and Lucas had biked to Lucas's house. Sev had called her mom, told her she was going to spend the night, etcetera, etcetera. Seven and Lucas had shared vents like siblings would, and agreed and disagreed, like best friends. They also looked around Lucas's backyard for slingshot rocks before they went to bed, Sev in the guest room in Lucas in his room.

The next morning, Seven rose up, slightly distorted and confused. She then realized where she was, and the massive fight that she had just had with Mike. She rose up silently, stretching. The girl walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. Lucas was sitting at the table, reading something, and his mom was plating food.

"Morning Sev! You're up just in time. I made breakfast."

Lucas's mom said sweetly, placing two plates on the table.

"Now Lucas's father and I will be at work today, so I trust you kids to keep the house neat. If the others want to come over for a... M&M campaign or what it is that you guys do, make sure it's only on the coffee table, because the houskeeper's coming tomorrow."

"Okay, Ma. See you." Lucas waved goodbye, and Seven slid into one of the hard wood chairs.

"Morning Lucas." She said, stabbing an egg with her fork.

" mornin' Sev. What's the plan today?"

"With this plan, we forget the Weirdo, and go straight to the gate,So I was thinking that we stay here and do a tad of research, so that tomorrow we're fully prepared."

Lucas nodded, and started to eat his price of toast. Once the two had gotten to the last bits of the breakfast, Lucas asked:  "That sounds good. But... what exactly are we researching again?"

"The whole thing in general. I have a few suspicions for where this portal is."

"Then what are we waiting for?

-- Time Skip --

Lucas slammed the map down on the coffee table, and fixed the wires on the red radio.               Seven placed the variety of sharpies and pens on top of Lucas's map, and she set down his own copy of the D&D guidebook.

"Alright, Lucas, turn to the Vale of Shadows Page."


"It says the Vale is a copy of reality, right?'

"Yeah, and apparently it's just an evil version."

"So if it's just like where we are... maybe we could find a spot where Will would want to hide there."

"I think that's genius, but we need to find the portal that's already been opened."


She took out a pencil, and her hand hovered over the map. 

"We had to be going in the right direction before El stopped us, right?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, I think. Maybe it was just a straight line that we needed to travel to get to wherever said portal is?"

"I don't know. Let's think about that after we find places where Will could be?"

"Okay. So let's think... places my brother would hide."

"Hmm... maybe your house!"

Seven grunted her approval, and made a little star over her house. "How about castle Byers? He told me that's his safe haven." Lucas nodded, and Seven stenciled in another star. 

"Hawkins Middle?"

"Benny's Diner?"

"The Video Game Shop?"

Stranger Seven (Mike Wheeler)Where stories live. Discover now