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There was an awkward tension in the room. Styles asked Lydia why she was in the forest. Well Scott told me that you were worried and you needed help. Son of a bitch thought Derek. Nope not at all, I'm fine. But Scott said..Never mind what Scott said I am fine, great actually, amazing.

Im gonna see if the storms clearing up said Derek. Lydia followed him. Well I guess it's just me now styles thought.

Just so you know styles likes me said Lydia. Derek was struggling but didn't retaliate. Lydia started a rant about how he was using him and was only trying to get over her. Derek was getting very angry now but contained it, he stayed silent and Lydia carried on. After a while he couldn't stand it. Forgetting there was a storm, he walked outside. Well that's just great he thought now I'm soaked in rain. He walked further out. Then he noticed a ring on his finger..a metal ring.

The next thing he found was that he was lying on the floor and he couldn't move, before he passed out he noticed that Lydia was looking out the window, smirking at him.

Lydia (running into the lounge), quick Derek's hurt. WHAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S HURT!!!!! Where is he??? Outside Lydia answered. WHY THE HELL IS HE OUTSIDE!! Styles ran as fast as he could outside. DEREK, he yelled. Breathing heavily he saw a body lying on the ground. He sprinted towards him. Derek wake up, wake up, styles cried. He looked in his pocket, his phone was gone. Panicking he searched Derek's jacket and found his phone. He dialled an ambulance and held Derek in his arms.

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