10 | The Tunnels

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Iliana wanted to stay and argue that there had to be another solution, but Callias pointed out that if she stayed away for too long the sirens would come looking for her.

"Searching for a secondary solution is wise, but it will do you no good if they find him now," Callias explained.

She frowned, but knew he was right. "How do you leave here?"

The shallow pool flashed through her mind. Callias pursed his lips, no doubt thinking of the same problem. Then, he gave her that studious look he'd been shooting her since her arrival.

"What?" Iliana demanded.

"He is probably wondering whether it is possible for you to leave without injury," Melitta said, her attention focused on replacing the bandage around Kain's arm. "There are two ways out. Jump the waterfall, or swim the tunnels. The trouble is that you cannot breathe underwater. There is every chance you would drown."

She couldn't save Kain if she was dead.

"I could break my neck going down that waterfall," Iliana pointed out.

"We'll swim the tunnels," Callias decided. Iliana shot him a skeptical expression. How was that better than breaking her neck? "It is the only way."

"And the drowning issue?" Iliana challenged.

"I'll pull you along," he replied, shrugging. "Don't breathe and we'll be fine."

Her earlier irritation returned. He made it sound so easy, as if breathing was an option rather than a requirement to live. Still, when compared to a ten foot drop, almost-drowning sounded pleasant.

"Okay," Iliana agreed.

Callias pushed away from the wall, a frown on his lips. Does he ever smile? She wondered. He looked to the back of the cave and surprise flickered through her. A faint flush had creeped up to the tips of Callias's ears. Was he embarrassed?

"Face the front, then," he said.

Iliana cocked a brow. "Why?"

He seemed to hesitate, prompting a series of giggles from Melitta. Callias shot her a scowl, his entire frame going tense.

"It's not funny."

"It is," Melitta retorted, only giggling more at the frustration that flooded his expression. "I can't believe that after a decade as a child of the sea, you still have such human hang-ups."

Callias's eyes reflected a dark warning. "You're wearing clothing."

Oh. So that's what this is about. Iliana thought, blushing despite herself.

Iliana'd once heard a rumor about the merpeople--a majority of them preferred to forgo any clothing. The topic had been mentioned by sailors at a tavern, who pointed out that fabric beneath the ocean would just get heavy and uncomfortable. Of course, they'd been more interested in the idea of what this meant in regards to mermaids, not their counterparts.

It would seem Callias was too embarrassed to strip in front of her.

"That's different," Melitta replied, a small smirk on her lips. "But, if it makes you more comfortable..."

She reached down to tug her dress up and Callias threw his hands in the air. "Stop!"

Both girls dissolved into laughter, Melitta's amusement dragging Iliana into the joke despite her embarrassment at the situation. It was such a strange feeling, she realized. The action seemed to loosen up something within her that had been coiled tight following the end of the Airlea. She felt so much... lighter, brighter even. I really needed that, she thought.

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