33 | A True King

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Iliana thought they would spend the following hours scheming how to rescue Natia.

Her head filled with the image of her wielding a sword in the nightmare's defense alongside Callias and the Wolves as Eumelia broke the young girl's collar. Semele would slay her owner, and they would flee the city before his family could retaliate.

Reality was, Lykos stayed collapsed on the bed for several minutes, before grumbling under his breath, and beckoning to Semele. The two then disappeared with Eumelia after calling in Nori and Abarron to guard Iliana.

The first stood stiffly with his back to the door as Abarron motioned for them to join him on the floor. He drew dice from his pocket. Remembering her previous plans to endear herself to the crew, Iliana reluctantly allowed herself to be coaxed into a familiar game. The rules he laid out were no different than what she'd learned years ago from Saul.

"Will they be alright on their own?" Iliana asked after a round.

Nuri snorted, and Abarron shook his head as Iliana shot Nuri a scowl. From his expression, she got the impression he was judging her for questioning Lykos, Semele, and Eumelia's ability to free a slave on their own. Which, was stupid. They were just three people.

"They'll be fine, lass," Abarron told her. "Eumelia's probably headin' back ta her room ta settle Abiel in, an' the other two will go down an' handle this."

"That's even worse. Two people against whatever while protecting a little girl."

Abarron shrugged, and shoved the dice cup into her hands. "This is what they do, lass. Those two've been in far worse situations than this and came out unscathed. There's a reason the wolves are feared, and why all of us follow that man. Now, take your turn."

Despite further efforts to pry information, Abarron remained solely focused on the game. As the rounds passed, she grew anxious, fingers curling over her anklet. It was then she realized she could watch what was going on. If something was wrong, she'd just return and make up an excuse to get involved. It'd work.


As if he could read her mind, when her next turn rolled around, Callias collected the dice before she could touch them.

"You alright with this, Iliana?" Abarron questioned with a quirked brow, amusement clear in his gaze. "Looks like our local seaman wants a round."

She faked a yawn and drew back. "Yeah. I think I might try and catch some sleep, actually. Take advantage of the bed while the rest of them are gone."

"Suit yourself."

Used to catching the bond at this point, Iliana slipped into the other realm moments after settling on the bed. She could feel unseen eyes on her as she followed Lykos' charm, but the short journey finished without a word from whichever god happened to be spying at that moment.

The white-void dropped into reality in that second of breath-stealing nothingness that was beginning to feel familiar. The faint, late-night buzz of conversation and a tired lyre filled the air, which stunk of booze and workers. Where the first floor had been mainly deserted when their group ate, it was now filled with villagers looking for a drink to finish the night. Was the inn the only bar in Aethe?

Whatever the reason for the crowd, Iliana drew closer to a particularly crowded table. In the time since he'd left, Lykos had somehow hooked Akile into a "friendly" drinking competition. As she watched, the mercenary finished his drink, and slammed it down on the table-surface to the cheers of his audience. Akile grimaced around the lip of his cup as he finished his own a second late, then lightly set his mug down.

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