11 | Training

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A strong, rich scent invaded Iliana's senses the moment she stepped into the cabin. Her eyes easily located the source--a small cast-iron pot settled atop the wood stove. The sight twisted her stomach into uncomfortable knots and it let out a loud growl. Rhode laughed and stepped towards the clothing trunk.

"Don't be embarrassed," she said, catching sight of Iliana's red cheeks. "The scent of Dalphie's stew does that to the oldest of us."

Uncertain of what age had to do with the matter, Iliana simply nodded as she approached the pot. A quick peek inside revealed a mixture of vegetables and what appeared to be fresh game. The sirens hunt? She wondered, then gave herself a mental eye-roll. Of course they did. Inna was the goddess of instinct. Legends said she was the best hunter among the gods. It would be strange of her "children" couldn't boast similar skills.

Will I be good with a bow? She replaced the lid on the stew. I've never been a good hunter.

Thankfully, it was something that'd never come up aboard the Airlea. No doubt she'd have never heard the end of it had Kain learned Iliana's skills with the bow amounted to being just decent enough not to skewer her allies... most of the time. Would becoming a siren change this? Iliana attempted to picture herself standing as regally as Inna's statue, with a bow held naturally in her hand.

It was an impossible thought. Rather, she saw herself fumbling with the arrows as she'd always done.

"Go wash up," Rhode instructed, breaking into Iliana's thoughts. "I'll set the table."

"You're eating with me?" Iliana asked, turning around.

The siren nodded, a bright colored dress laid over her arm. Iliana eyed it with pursed lips. That wasn't for her, was it? The fabric looked expensive.

"I am," Rhode confirmed. "I thought it the best way to answer any questions you might have, as I'm tired enough that I think I'll retire to my cabin afterwards." She paused, a playful smile tugging on to her lips. "Not all of us lazed on the beach until midday. Now, take this and go wash up."

So, the dress was for her. "This one is clean enough."

"You'll catch a cold walking around in that," Rhode scolded. "Humans are fragile things. We've plenty of spare dresses."

Recognizing this as an argument not worth having, Iliana held her tongue and did as Rhode asked. Soon enough the two of them were sat at the small kitchen table, the pot and Dalphie's basket settled between them. A peek inside it revealed that the muffins had been replaced with golden buns. Iliana's mouth watered and she'd devoured half of one before Rhode'd finished dishing out the stew.

"There's butter baked inside," she marveled.

"You've not had these before?" Rhode questioned, surprise reflecting in her gaze. "They're extremely popular in Eol."

Of course they were, Iliana mused. Whereas Reotak was known for their prowess in warfare, Cieon their impeccable gems, and Aeolis its powerful merchant guild, the neutral country of Eol was known across the seas for their unmatched cuisine. Many said the reason laid in the country's worship of the sun and sky goddess, Taisol, as well as the nature and death goddess, Shinnah.

"We're not far from Eol, then?" Iliana ventured, thinking of Artemios' maps. Perhaps she should return to her idea of building a ship. If they were near Eol's shore she and Kain could possibly be able to sail the distance even if the current nearly destroyed whatever makeshift vessel she could construct.

"Somewhat under a week away, I believe," Rhode answered with a knowing smile. "These aren't imported. Dalphie was apprenticed to the King's head chef."

Curiosity filled Iliana as she put down the bread and picked up her spoon to try the stew. As she'd expected, rich flavor flooded her tongue. Her attention stayed focused on Rhode, however. Did Rhode know this much about everyone? If so, why hadn't she pressed Iliana for details about herself?

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