32 | Wolves

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Aethe was a small farming village. As Iliana stared around from the back of the cart, she found very little that distinguished it from any Aeolian town of the same vein. The houses were worn, the streets dusty, and the people disinterested in strangers. As they trudged their way towards the local inn, Iliana only caught a few eyes flickering their way as the villagers went about their daily routines.

"Natia! You fuckin' 'mare, where'd ya git to this time?"

The shout drew Iliana's attention as the cart slowed to a stop. Near what appeared to be the stables, stood a tall Eolesian man. He was broad, with sun-kissed skin and light hair. Her best guess placed him somewhere in his late thirties. The inn-owner, perhaps, or someone staying the night like they were about to do.

As she watched, the man cursed a few more times, kicked the door of one of the stalls, and stormed off towards the inn. Eumelia beckoned her out of the cart about that moment, so she jumped down, eyes flicking between their group and the inn doors. The anger he'd displayed... felt familiar. Whomever Natia was, was in for a lot of trouble when the man found them. Iliana hoped she was wrong about the nature the punishment would take... but, she didn't think she was.

When she finally pulled her attention away and focused on the group, she realized Callias was watching the stables with a small frown. Following his gaze, Iliana spotted a small figure peering out from behind one of the stall doors. Their body was hidden in a cloak of worn material. It was thin, and ragged, with holes and patches of thin fabric. It appeared to be heavier around their neck. As the person turned away, fingers tugging on the hood as if to make sure it wouldn't fall, Iliana realized why. Their action had shifted the hood just enough, giving her a glimpse of the iron beneath.

They were wearing a slave collar.

A hand skimmed her elbow, making Iliana jump. Her eyes flicked away to find Callias at her side. When he'd moved, she had no idea. He gave a small shake of his head, and nodded towards the entrance to the inn, where Lykos, Abiel, and Eumelia were already starting in. Her attention drew back to the stables.

"They're..." she began, trailing off as the word caught in her throat.

She'd seen slaves before. It was impossible to travel as she had, and live in the state of nobility her sister had married them into, without seeing slavery at least a few times. For some reason, however... it felt different at this moment.

Perhaps because there was nothing stopping her from walking over and talking to them. Well, except Semele. But from the frown the harpy was wearing, Iliana had the distinct feeling she wouldn't intervene.

"They're a nightmare," Semele said after a moment.

Iliana tensed, the knot in her stomach tightening in a different manner. She knew nightmares were occasionally... people-like. Alake had been a good example of that. But... she'd forgotten that in Eol, it was common to see the intelligent ones shackled like this. Normal, human slaves belonged solely to those who could afford such a thing, as buying a person who'd been... properly trained--even thinking those words made her grimace--was expensive. Nightmares, though, were often sold for cheap, given how numerous they were, and how a lot of people viewed them as bad luck.

"What sort?" Iliana found herself asking, as the figure pulled a pitchfork down from the wall and began working on the stalls. She hadn't noticed, initially, but they felt different than Callias, and Semele. That sixth sense told her that the person was... different, not human, but that was it.

"Animal folk, I think," Semele murmured, her brow furrowed. Her feathers ruffled, before her wings settled comfortably against her back. "Wolf, or lizard. It's hard to tell."

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