13 | Inna

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She had never met a goddess before.

So, when Rhode woke her up just an hour or two past sunrise, saying that they needed to prepare for Inna's return, there was a certain level of anxiety that flooded her system. Until that moment, she'd been so focused on navigating this strange situation she'd found herself in that she hadn't considered the fact she was signing on to become a being that, according to legend, regularly conversed with the gods. What would Inna think when she saw her? Iliana wasn't pretty. She couldn't match the manners and grace she'd seen radiating from every siren she'd met.

What if Inna said no?

Thankfully, she was given little time to think about this as Rhode dragged her here and there. Apparently, she was no longer allowed to simply don a dress and call herself ready for the day. Her hair needed trimmed, her nails cleaned and colored. Numerous pots of oils and paints were produced as well-- most of which Iliana faintly recognize. Once upon a time, she'd probably known what they were. Now, however, they just seemed to be a form of torture as she was subjected to coat after coat. When she questioned the need for all of this, Rhode paused and cocked her head to the side.

"Wouldn't you feel more confident if you looked your best?"

Iliana'd found herself without a retort for that, resulting in the siren giving her a knowing smile, then whisking her away to explore Rhode's personal closet. As she'd expected, it held dresses, skirts, undergarments and blouses-- but no pants. She'd begun to feel like a doll by the time Rhode plucked a dark colored dress of surprisingly common material from a hanger and thrust it towards her. When she cocked a questioning brow, Rhode shrugged.

"I've another dress planned for the ceremony," she explained. "You'll...well, there will be a need for a change after the initial events. For reasons you'll come to understand, we prefer to start in clothing that won't be missed."


Rhode gave a wry smile. "As I said, you'll come to understand. The ceremony is one of our most important secrets. After tonight, I'll answer any questions you ask. Until then, my lips are sealed."

Iliana narrowed her eyes, but sensed that an argument on the matter would go nowhere. So, she gave in and went to change. Rhode's bathroom held a full-length mirror. Unable to help herself, the moment she had the dress settled where she wanted it, Iliana stepped over to see what the sirens had done. For the first time in several years, the girl she saw was distinctly female. The thin fabric was drawn together beneath her slender chest, showing off what little she had, before flowing out past her hips. It ended just before her bare ankles. Whatever skin could be seen seemed to have a faint shine to the warm olive tone-- an aftereffect of being scrubbed and oiled until all the dead and dry skin she'd gained offshore was gone.

Still, the her beneath it all couldn't be hidden. Her features were still rough and sharp, her frame slender and shapeless. No amount of trimming could change the fact her hair was thin and plain, just as no amount of scrubbing could change the fact her skin was weathered from years spent at sea. They might have done their best, but the sirens could never make her beautiful.

It was almost a comfort given how much was about to change.

"She's here!"

The sound of Dalphie's excited arrival sent Iliana's heart racing. Still, she drew away from the mirror and joined the others in the living area.

"Lucky," Rhode mused. "We've just finished. Where is she?"

"Heading this way," Dalphie said, an excited edge to tone. "I told her we've a guest."

Iliana nearly stopped breathing. This was it, then. She was about to meet one of the gods. What a story I'll have to tell when I escape this island... Frozen in place by her thoughts, Iliana simply watched as Rhode darted this way and that, obviously wanting to make sure her bare cabin was spotless for the goddess' arrival. Meanwhile, Dalphie offered Iliana a bright, albeit hesitant, smile.

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