Now That We're Finished **Updated**

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TLDR for the edit; I realize that I never edited this chapter last year to make sure that everyone knew that the sequel to this book is posted on my profile. So, here's your notice of that. And, to make things easier, I'll put an inline comment on this paragraph. If you already knew, great! If not, I hope to see you there. 

Anyways. Onto the original note. 


Hey guys! 

What a wild ride it was writing this. 

For those of you who don't know, I started this series for NaNoWriMo when I was living in Japan. I just wanted to start something new, and something I could through all my endless world building into. And, I was reminded that I'd always wanted to expand on a short story I wrote in high school about a cross-dressing sailor girl who got proposed to by her secret crush, right before he and the rest of the crew died because they sailed too close to sirens (see the resemblance?).

That was three years ago this April. 

Anyways, enough of me being soppy over how long it took to write this, and how long coming it was. Let's get to some questions, and then to information about what comes next. 

1) What's your guys' favorite ship so far? I've dropped some hints, laid some groundwork, but most of the romance starts in Mermaid Tear, so I'm excited to see what you guys are thinking. 

2) Opinions on where the story ended? It was a hard choice to decide where to cut it. The mountains was always the end game, but whether or not you got a final Kain chapter was a hard choice. In the end, Iliana is the main POV, so it made sense to end the book with her. Potentially, I might write Kain's part as a flashback in the next book, or as an extra or Patreon exclusive. I haven't decided. Most likely a combination of the first two options. 

3) For those of you who weren't spoiled by the early draft stuff that's been cut sense then (that flat out told you his deal), what are your guesses about what's going on with Kain? 

4) Plot opinions? What do these gods got planned? 

5) Uhhhh, anything you think I should've asked but didn't? Just general "I wanted to tell you this, Kat/Unbound" stuff. 

Now, for where we're going next. 

Mermaid Tear--the second in this four (?) book series is currently being written. As of this edit, I'm drafting chapter 49, leaving me around 20 (??) chapters until it's finished. I usually have most written chapters published as I have no patience. The update schedule is every other Sat. although I tend to update every week if I'm not too busy with work and other life events. 

So, if you want to keep going, there's a lot more to read (130k+ words)! If you want to wait until the book is finished, go ahead and add it and wait until you see the "Now That We're Finished" for Mermaid Tear, or follow me to keep up with my notifications. I usually only do announcements when either a) something life related happens, b) I have a update delay, or c) major book related news. So, you would get a notification relating it's finish when I reach that point.

I have tentatively ordered myself to have it finished by mid-year. 

What to do until then? 

Well, if you're interested in my other writing, I plan on trying to finish up "The Other" between Mermaid Tear and the third book, Nightmare Bound. It's a horror story I was writing for ONC a few years back, so maybe not your guys' vibe, but it is an option. Has ghosts, demons, visions of the future, romance, and an extremely anxious protag. Link in the inline.

I also have a YA high fantasy series I'm currently working on (YA because of ages, not content. If anything, the topics are a bit darker than SS). The series itself is "Senseless," with the book that is posted being titled, "Heartless." It has a magic focus instead of...adventure? Fate? Gods? Whatever you would call Siren Song. I'm also writing it with a light novel vibe in mind. Think, violet colored eyes, magic towers, and adventuring parties. Link in the inline. 

The last book of interest, Siren Song Mythos, is a companion book posted for this series that's meant to contain one-shots and mythology. Think wiki article. It is, however, severely outdated. I plan on fixing that when I finish Mermaid Tear. Until then, it has basic information about the gods and a few countries. If you want more about the world building, or want to request a one-shot (I would die from excitement tbh) head over there. 

Finally, I have a discord that I made ages ago. If you want direct contact, I'll put a permanent invite in the inline. I'm always on discord. So, see you there if you're interested! 

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