Boyfriend Stealer?

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Alexis P.O.V:

As soon as maths ended, i sprinted too Mr Geeka's classroom. I wanted to be early so my detention could start and i could leave. I looked through the small window to check he was inside and he was sitting down with his glasses on typing something on the computer. I knocked on the door and waited for him to get up. No reply. I looked through the window again and knocked, he just looked at me and went back to typing. I was about to walk away when Nathan came. He kicked the door open and Mr Geeka came running over to inspect the damage.

Nathan P.O.V:

I saw the idiot not moving so i just kicked the door open, no biggie.

"HEY! THATS GONNA COST THE SCHOOL" he shouted furiously.

"Cost my backfoot" i yelled.

"Your not funny, no one is laughing because they don't care" shouted Mr Geeka.

"No one cares about your life mate, thats why you're adopted even your mom didn't care" i laughed.

Alexis P.O.V:

As Nathan teased Mr Geeka i felt really bad. Sure, he can get really annoying but the man's not that bad.

Mr Geeka dragged Nathan by his hood into the classroom. He shut the door and signalled to us to leave.

"Don't have to tell me twice" i whispered to myself.

I dashed through the halls and out of the building. I quickly reached for my phone to call Conner. I called him 4 times and each time his phone kept going straight to voicemail. It was a bit odd because Conner has a very good battery and never misses my calls. I just decided in the end that he was probably busy and would call me back when he got the time.

When i got home, i went to shower and put my phone on charge. When i came back into my room i heard my phone ringing, i thought it was Conner but instead it was a Private number. I opened the line and heard a woman's voice frantically crying. 

"Hello, this is Conner Weedman's mother. I haven't heard from Conner since 12:56pm, his phone has appeared to have been switched off. Have you seen him by any chance?" she cried.

My heart felt like it had gotten stuck in my throat and my eyes started to water as if they'd been hit by the strongest onion ever.

"Conner's missing?!" i stuttered.

"Yes" she said. 

Her voice was soft but the words pierced my heart. I dropped the phone out of my hands and started to cry hysterically. I crouched up in a ball next to my bed and started rocking myself gently. All our memories flashed before my eyes. I quickly realised where he might be. I grabbed the phone of the floor.

"Sorry Mrs Weedman, but i think i know where he might have gone. Meet me at Central Park in 3 hours".

Without giving her a chance to answer, i cut off the line. I grabbed my light brown jacket and white converses. I rushed down to Nighthill River, Conner always used to go here too calm himself down or if anything was bothering him. 

I could see Conner from a distance sitting in front of the Lake. I sat down next to him and smiled. The water glistened in his eyes as the sun started to go down. He mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' too me and i nodded. I leaned forward towards him and kissed him. Unlike last time, i didn't stop kissing him. I didnt care about Teagan. I just wanted Conner and only Conner. No other guy i've ever been with actually understands me, Conner gets me. Conner knows what i like but i'm just scared that if we were too ever date, could it wreck a good friendship? 

Conner P.O.V:

I love alex, she's beautiful, funny and amazing. I'm head over heels for her. Having a girl bestfriend is amazing but when you get feelings for them, everything goes wrong. I mean like i get butterflies when i'm around her and she's wonderful and all, but is dating the right thing?

Alexis P.O.V:

After we kissed me and Conner had a case of nervous laughter.

"It's getting late now, I'm going to go home now" I said while grinning from ear to ear.

His eyes shined brightly in the moonlight and he nodded his head. I stood up and started to walk but then i stopped ran back and hugged him. I whispered softly in his ear.

"Call your mom".

I put my hands in my pocket and gazed up at the stars. 'Maybe, it'll work after all i thought to myself.

Sorry guys this bit was like 400 words shorter than the other ones, i'll write more next time promise :3.

Also, i'm adding side stories for most of the characters Jem's Side story has been published go check it out :3

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