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Jem P.O.V:

When i woke up, i rushed into the bathroom. My head hurt and my stomach felt as if my guts had been ripped out and shoved back in again. I knelt down and started to vomit into the toilet. As i glanced to the side of the bathroom i thought to myself, "wait this isn't my bathroom". I slowly got up and looked out of the hallway.

"This isn't even my house" i whispered to myself.

I tip-toed into the bedroom. I could see a man next where i had once lay before. Millions of thoughts rushed into my head. Did i sleep with the man? Who was he? And what was i doing in his house? I nervously tapped him on the shoulder. 

"Jem?" he mumbled.

I gasped.

"Nathan?!" i yelled.

"Keep your voice down, I'm not trying to go deaf" he groaned.

 I rolled my eyes. Nathan turned over. 

"WHY IS THE BED WET?!" he screamed.

I fell silent.

"EW, EW, EW!" he yelled before taking off to the bathroom.

I slowly trotted behind him.

"Um...I really don't know how that happened" i muttered to myself.

"One i can hear you and two take a bathroom break before you get drunk next time" he said while washing his hand with soap.

He walked back into his bedroom. I took a deep breath and followed after him.

"Um Nathan?" i paused.

"Yeah?" he replied while buttoning his school shirt.

I looked down at the ground and fiddled with my fingers.

"Did we do anything last night?" i said staring down straight at the floor.

Nathan raised an eyebrow.

"No why would we didn't do anything" he laughed.

Nathan walked into the bathroom to put on his trousers while i stayed in the bedroom. I looked around his bedroom to see if i could find any clothes. I saw a pair of trousers lying on his armchair. As i went to pick it up nathan walked back into the room.

"You dont have to wear that you know" he said while bending down to pick up his backpack.

He walked out the room. I stood their confused. What else was i supposed to wear? He strolled back into the room holding a pair of leggings a white crop top and a cardigan.

"Here, Wear these" he said yawning.

"Whose are these?" I asked

"My sisters, she's always leaving her clothes at my place, she treats my apartment like a big closet" he groaned.

I took the clothes out of his hands and went into the bathroom to get changed. I tied up my hair into a pony tail and wiped off my now smeared red lipstick from last night.

"Ready?" asked Nathan peering his head through the door.

"Yeah" I said walking out of the bathroom.

Nathan and I walked to school together, laughing and making jokes along the way.
When we reached the gates, I saw Levi standing with his arms folded staring straight at me.

Levi P.O.V:

I walked up to Jem and grabbed her by her top.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID?!" I yelled while tightening my grip on her top.

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